2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

BOY! I'll comment on any damn thing I want, so shut yo ol' Bron **** riding *** up. Sack biting *****. As much **** as you've been wrong about in just about every post you've written. I even admitted I was wrong for not knowing, one thing I'm not wrong about is you're a *** type dude. So shut your **** holster, BOY.
This man has had it
And the Spurs don't have the athleticism either. LMA out there running the floor like a baby giraffe learning how to walk

Oh ma guad :rofl:

You are right though. I really think the jig is up with sas, especially if Duncan retires. I dont see how theyre better than gsw lac or memphis currently.
wade is not washed though... he is still really good just not in his prime... washed to me was duncan this past season
Not one bit happy about the Bulls getting Wade. :smh:

This lil female dog, had the nerve to sign here after all the slick talk about loyalty back in the summer of "the decision"......this clown went out of his way to bash the org. and now he wanna be down! :smh: Straight clown move!!!

I'd be surprised if this clown gives us 50 games.
Should've just kept the cap space.
Bulls are either gonna make a good run in the East or flop heavily if injuries happen a lot
I see flop heavily more than a good run
This makes Miami look bad.. Who's gonna want to commit to a team that won't commit to them?

They just committed 100m to a former d-leaguer though :lol:,I don't think it's gonna have half the impact you guys are making it seem...
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West All-Stars gonna be KD, Steph, Klay, Draymond and WESTBROOK
why would steph, klay and westbrook start?

wouldnt it be steph and russ?
It's not even that Fam, I said something I was wrong about, came back and even apologized, somehow dude got upset because I didn't watch a series last year that his stepdad was in. Dude is sensitive right now because he wished Delontè could've mounted him mom instead of Gloria.

All this loyalty talk is overrated.
When the chips are down these people will show they're true colors.

Money >>>> Loyalty

The fans deserve a better kind of criminal.
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