2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

As a Heat fan, the saddest part about all this is that a lot of Chicago fans don't even want him.

The guy played us. In 2010 Bulls fans thought we were getting Wade/LeBron or Wade/Bosh. He was flirting with us, but he knew the whole time he was staying in Miami and grabbing Boshtrich and Bron with him. He's talked smack about the front office. I don't forgive and forget that level of disrespect. You don't want to play here? Fine. But don't lie and disrespect us. B!+
pretty sure you get taxed in each state you play in...at least a portion thereof

Correct. He can still also file are return as a partial resident but most states require you to live their 180 days or more to establish residency.
Stringer Butler scheming now.
Got D-Rose shipped out.


2 birds with 1 stone when he lowkey sets up Rondo vs. Hoiberg.


Helps Knee Wade get acclimated by introducing him to the Bulls elite award-winning training/medical staff.



Gets control of all the corners.
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Sad part is that Wade should be the clear leader of that Bulls team, but Rondo and Jimmy's egos will interfere 100%
Gonna be fun seeing Bulls fans do a full 180 on "D-Whistle" though :lol:

Umm no....hate the guy. Hate the move. He played us in 2010. I don't forget. Ever. Screw him. Screw GarPax.

Agreed 100%!!! Screw Wade!!!!
The North always remembers!

Now I want to see how many Heat fans are jumping ship and becoming Bulls fans....that seems to be a trend nowadays.
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