Who Will Win the 2017 NBA Finals?

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Golden State Warriors

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The top portion is far from true, this Cavs team is terrible. Its basically a lottery team + LeBron
But they make the finals every year in Cleveland.

He wouldn't make the finals with San Antonio. Financially, just wouldn't have enough. KD + Steph > Kawhi & LBJ for starters, then you'd have to try and fill the roster out which would be tough.
Another thing. Rings culture caused all of this. Look how many nonsense legacy posts have been made in here already.
These gymnastics that ppl are going through to try and build a team to defeat GSW lol

It isn't financially possible.
everyone going to take paycuts or play for the min .... 

like this isnt a job 
These gymnastics that ppl are going through to try and build a team to defeat GSW lol

It isn't financially possible.

Unfortunately this maybe true. :smh:

The rest of the league may just have to wait them out.

Either Klay leaving or an injury. I had the Warriors in 7 over the Spurs but dependent upon their moves next season they could definitely be a challenger.
But they make the finals every year in Cleveland.

He wouldn't make the finals with San Antonio. Financially, just wouldn't have enough. KD + Steph > Kawhi & LBJ for starters, then you'd have to try and fill the roster out which would be tough.

Cleveland live in luxury tax land tho. So if sa was ok with that I don't see why not lol
And they were able to win a ring, which negates all of that. If you put your team in potential cap hell down the line, it doesn't matter as long as you win in what amounts a win-now league with the current landscape. Already winning a ring with a 25 y/o Kevin Love >>>> the dream scenario of possibly winning a ring with Wiggins

I'm not talking about love for Wiggins, that was the right move. I'm talking about the 45M he forced them to invest in the 10 points he got out of those 3 role players tonight. He held out until the Cavs signed those guys

Oh ok, that makes more sense. But even with that, those contracts were done heading into last season, the season which they won the title. They already got their return on their investments, plus more. Had they lost again, then that would have made them look very foolish for those contracts.
Also, I'll say it.

The Cavs got lucky as hell last year. If not for The Warriors imploding due to injuries and suspension, this would be back to back series of the Warriors smacking the Cavs.

This doesn't even mention that last season in the regular season they got smacked twice, this year in the regular season they got smacked once, and the other time the cavs had to come back from 16 down AT HOME.

The disparity between these two teams with and without KD has been great.
The Draymond suspension was huge, but the 73-9 Warriors still had 3 chances to win 1 game to win a second title, two of which were at home.

You bring up injuries but there was no talk about Steph being injured until after Game 7.

He himself proclaimed that he was "back".

Cavs got some breaks but they still had to go out there and win those games.
Warriors doing a great job of pushing tempo in all scenarios not letting cavs slow the game down at all
LeBron was asked about game plan. He replied that that wasn't his question about game plan. He said that's his coach's question :lol:
Paul George and Russell Westbrook aren't beating the warriors man lol if that is where you were going with that.
After Klay leaves, they will. Just as BBB and BI coming into their primes. Just wait on it. 
Bron probably gonna call Giannis on the bus ride in front of the whole team.
The Draymond suspension was huge, but the 73-9 Warriors still had 3 chances to win 1 game to win a second title, two of which were at home.

You bring up injuries but there was no talk about Steph being injured until after Game 7.

He himself proclaimed that he was "back".

Cavs got some breaks but they still had to go out there and win those games.
stop... we all said curry didnt have that movement that he usually has  . he couldnt shake kanter and adam off the dribble , lots of people mentioned it in the wcf.

. just cause he said he was back didnt mean anything .. actions >words.  it was clear as day curry wasnt even moving like his normal self last year. he was nowhere near 100. 
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:lol: at all you guys who are suggesting the NBA needs to dismantle the current rosters of NBA teams.

You guys would've had a heart attack if you were around the 60's Lakers and Celtics, 70's-80's Celtics and Lakers, 90's Bulls and 00's Lakers. The NBA has ALWAYS been like this. There has ALWAYS been 1-2 dominate teams which made it to the NBA Finals and won it almost every year.

Hell, out of the 70+ years the NBA has been around, theres only may 15 teams who owns all the championships. It's just how basketball is. You guys are just butt hurt to appreciate an All-time great team. I suggest y'all let go of those hard feelings and experience this once in a generation team play. We may never see something like this game for a very long time.
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The Draymond suspension was huge, but the 73-9 Warriors still had 3 chances to win 1 game to win a second title, two of which were at home.

You bring up injuries but there was no talk about Steph being injured until after Game 7.

He himself proclaimed that he was "back".

Cavs got some breaks but they still had to go out there and win those games.
I wasn't talking about the Steph injury though. Iggy being hurt, and Bogut being hurt mattered to me though. His rim protection mattered even if it didn't show in the numbers. LBJ went straight to the rim and was the tallest and biggest player on the floor once Bogut went out.

But yea you're right. The cavs did have to win those games which they did, credit to them for that. But the circumstances around those games I don't ignore that's all.
Oh trust me I'm not on some campaign to take down the Warriors. But LeBron is, and he can't stay on Cleveland and do so. On terms of championship contenders that team sucks.
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