2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Spurs could not miss last night :x

Marc sometimes brings out his brother's tendencies :lol: . Cut the lead down to 4 and he lets David Lee get the 50/50 ball for the and 1. I've been very disappointed in Marc during this series outside of Game 1 and the game winning shot in Game 4.
Yes it is, when he had pretty much the same season as last season playing alongside the supposed MVP winner.

I'm not saying they should take turns like they did when Durant was there, but someone has to get the ball out of Westbrook's hands.  Oladipo was a solid isolation player in Orlando and I've personally seen him shut down Harden while closing the game out there.
I think you're missing my point. In no way shape or form should Vic be your second best player

Not making excuses for Russ because I'll slander him but I'm strictly talking about Vic. If Durant stayed Vic would have been in the perfect role
And those 2 stars were a game away from playing for the chip last year so it must make a little bit of sense
They loss tho.

We can keep going on and on about what "could have" happened. But they loss. The "my turn-your turn" offense loss to the balanced team that moves the ball and shoot threes. 

This "they don't have enough shooters" thing didn't start with Westbrook this season. It was being said years ago. They were a slightly-below middle of the pack 3 point shooting team last season. 

You say with KD....role players go back to being role players. Well...what are their roles? Because if your telling me that Kevin Durant means that you don't need at least a few of your role players to consistently make 3's at a high clip...you are lying to yourself. 
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And those 2 stars were a game away from playing for the chip last year so it must make a little bit of sense

They loss tho.

We can keep going on and on about what "could have" happened. But they loss. The "my turn-your turn" offense loss to the balanced team that moves the ball and shoot threes. 

This "they don't have enough shooters" thing didn't start with Westbrook this season. It was being said years ago. They were a slightly-below middle of the pack 3 point shooting team last season. 

You say with KD....role players go back to being role players. Well...what are their roles? Because if your telling me that Kevin Durant means that you don't need at least a few of your role players to consistently make 3's at a high clip...you are lying to yourself. 
Thought I pointed out that they lost already. There are players whose role is to shoot 3s, so you find someone to fit the role..
Russ gave me one of the most entertaining seasons I've ever seen. He really does have so much of Kobe in him. It took Bean almost into his 30s to find that right balance. Trust from those type off guys has to be earned rather than given cause they know by will they have more confidence in themselves to get it done even if they end up failing. They would rather rely on them gunning than passing to the likes of Smush, Roberson, Puke, etc.

OKC is at a crossroads, Presti is going to have to prove his worth as a GM and Re-tool this team around Russ with not a lot of flexibility, less he goes down as the guy who lost 2 MVPs and another all NBA superstar. But I'm kinda hoping he fails to work that magic.
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Sportsmanship is overrated.

Plus, y'all can't call the league soft and then want guys to shake hands after the game

this. good sportsmanship is for children. **** congratulating you for just beating me. you wanna show love to your mans harden, hit him up after the initial sting wears off. go out to dinner or something. after an L like that, you just need to decompress.

Triggered again! I love it!!
OKC is ******. They don't have the assets to re-tool to compete with the top dogs out West. They cashed out Adams, Oladipo, and Kanter. 

Blake ain't going home. 

Russ is a goner after next season. 
They were 30th in 3 pt shooting this year, that's not middle of the pact. The only good shooters don't play much because Donovan doesn't trust them on the other side of the ball, Grant was low volume so hovering around 40% with 1 attempt means very little, Vic was 36% on volume which is pretty good, and obviously Russ takes too many at 31% or whatever plus his predictable often failed attempts to draw fouls while shooting them.

Buns is strong, but these guys aren't good. Adams was disappointing all season. I'd literally rather have McGee, even more so when you take his 100m contract into the equation. He scores almost exclusively off Wb assists so yes he's going to stink the 9 minutes a game Russ sits if he's on court

Kantner also has a high fga assist rate. Just posting him up in iso, he's ok but he also gets blocked a lot and teams know he can not pass out of doubles. His best scoring comes off Russ penetration and pick and rows. And obviously he is so poorous defensively Billy felt like you couldn't play him anymore

Vic should be able to be a 2nd option and hold the bench down but he isn't/can't, not consistently anyways.

As flawed as his play was and bad shots and terrible decisions, they still win or are in it when he is in the court

He rests 2 minutes and the subs give up double figures and now you're playing from behind, which just further invites hero/meball when he comes back.

No idea why we didn't see more Taj. Adams lack of stepping up on pick and rows is a problem. Guys come off and are open from 3 or going downhill to the basket.

So yea Russ played badly and could make better decisions, but his teammates also suck or are poor fits, and the coach makes bad lineup decisions, the latter 2 being a product of what the GM has left them with.

And Russ never shakes hands after series losses. I'm surprised he didn't leave early like he normally does
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Sportsmanship is overrated.

Plus, y'all can't call the league soft and then want guys to shake hands after the game

this. good sportsmanship is for children. **** congratulating you for just beating me. you wanna show love to your mans harden, hit him up after the initial sting wears off. go out to dinner or something. after an L like that, you just need to decompress.
Good sportsmanship is for Children?

So acting like a hurt little b in his feelings is being an adult?

Isaiah got left off the dream team for that type of ish
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OKC is ******. They don't have the assets to re-tool to compete with the top dogs out West. They cashed out Adams, Oladipo, and Kanter. 

Blake ain't going home. 

Russ is a goner after next season. 

:evil: :evil:
Man, which star/superstar is going to OKC to play with Russ?

1. It is OKC
2. Man, those shots this dude took in the 4th quarters of these games. My god. Anti-Basketball 101
3. This, "Russ has bums for teammates" narrative HAS to stop. They aren't bums, he just doesn't bring out the best in them.

fam...he got them wide open looks. wide open. they either bricked, airballed or panicked and didnt shoot at all.

some people in here have no idea what they're actually watching. they think after russ gets the triple dub is just like 'bet, skip everybody else, I'm gonna be the only one that eats now. Lemme jack all of these shots'. No. In actuality, Russ plays the exact same game after the triple dub. The difference is the defense changes and they say 'hey instead of guarding russ like crazy, lets guard the rest of these bums tighter. their games are already weaker anyways, so if we make it tougher for them, they won't score' Albeit russ has jacked a lot of 3s, but that's what happens when you play 40 minutes a night. you get tired. He drives nearly 90% of the time in the first hlf when he's fresh and energized. He'd feel the need to jack less 3s if the team was actually scoring on its own. It wasn't like guys werent getting touches. they werent doing **** when they got the ball. Just look at what happens when he's on the bench. The guys on the court when he's on the bench are the same ones he plays with. they are bums bro. wide open bricks has literally nothing to do with westbrook. they miss layups fam.
Have yall ever played sports or lost in a championship or tourney? I still remember my little league championship we lost. Pops told me to congratulate the team, I straight walked out the gym sobbing and angry.

Few months later, knocked that team out in a tourney and it was one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Point being, if your season just ended and you care about winning, all that "good series and good luck" is for the birds.
Sportsmanship is overrated.

Plus, y'all can't call the league soft and then want guys to shake hands after the game

this. good sportsmanship is for children. **** congratulating you for just beating me. you wanna show love to your mans harden, hit him up after the initial sting wears off. go out to dinner or something. after an L like that, you just need to decompress.
Good sportsmanship is for Children?

So acting like a hurt little b in his feelings is being an adult?

Isaiah got left off the dream team for that type of ish

leaving the court after the buzzer goes off is important to you huh?

and lol...THAT is not why he got left off. ftr.
Good sportsmanship is for Children?

So acting like a hurt little b in his feelings is being an adult?

Isaiah got left off the dream team for that type of ish

And he shouldn't have been left off the dream team for that no matter how anyone feels about it. That was some BS Jordan pulled. he is he **** for that...smh
Good sportsmanship is for Children?

So acting like a hurt little b in his feelings is being an adult?

Isaiah got left off the dream team for that type of ish

Yeah that post makes zero sense. As a grown *** man you should be able to be mature enough to go over and show a little respect to people after a game. Children are the ones that are supposed to be taught this by us, not the other way around.
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