2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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I don't remember anyone Critical of LeBron when he said he'd rather not make the finals then lose in them.

Which is dumb as hell. If I was a player I'd rather make the finals and lose in them every year rather then not make them.
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Hank Scorpio sounds like Mamba MVP right now. There's just no logic to what he's saying.
I've given up on the Jordan vs Lebron debate until Lebron retires. Old heads will never put anyone over Jordan it doesn't matter what they do. Same with hip hop and rappers.
I don't remember anyone Critical of LeBron when he said he'd rather not make the finals then lose in them.

Which is dumb as hell. If I was a player I'd rather make the finals and lose in them every year rather then not make them.
I agree with Lebron. Who cares if you make it to the Finals only to lose? Oust me before I get there. The sting of losing a championship surpasses that of losing a game to get to the championship.
I understand counting Finals wins for a players resume but counting Finals losses against a player is dumb. Making it to the Finals isn't an easy task (Unless you're Lebron)

that makes no sense at all

if that was the case losing wouldnt be counted as a loss
To me Bron vs MJ will never be an argument because I will pick MJ every single time because I have watched his entire career and he is my favorite of all time, but I don't even compare those two, I'd compare MJ with Kobe, because to me they are more similar players and MJ kills Kobe. If I were to compare Bron to anyone it would be Magic Johnson because they are similar in playing styles, and even with that too many variables to argue, I would give a slight edge to Magic, but in no way is it a slight at Bron because he is great on his own.
With just 3 rings and a losing record in the NBA Finals...I'd have him just making the top 5. I know some people may over look those short coming with his stats and consecutive NBA Finals appearances, but I cannot give him the pass.

Just my opinion though.

Hell, I think Duncan had the better career over Kobe and LeBron. But I love Duncan :lol:
tim duncan over kobe anyday
If we can't use finals records maybe we should start comparing overall win/loss then? :lol:

It's the same thing. Bron himself said he'd rather go out earlier than lose info the Finals cause he knows how it affects his legacy.

Jerry West is exhibit A.
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Arguing losing in early rounds is better than making it to the championship and losing will never ever ever ever make sense to me. I saw it all the time with Brady any Montana too. Losing > Winning more games, is the most backwards logic ever.

Its one of my biggest peeves in sports discussion.
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Arguing losing in early rounds is better than making it to the championship and losing will never ever ever ever make sense to me. I saw it all the time with Brady any Montana too. Losing > Winning more games, is the most backwards logic ever.

Its one of my biggest peeves in sports discussion.
Right. It's just so illogical.

Someone should let LeBron know he should throw the ECF on purpose. Otherwise his legacy is ruined.
A more accomplished loser is still a loser at the end of the day.

If you exit in the first round or lose in the championship makes no difference. Winning > Losing

I don't think anyone asks, "how many championships have you been to?"
A more accomplished loser is still a loser at the end of the day.

If you exit in the first round or lose in the championship makes no difference. Winning > Losing

I don't think anyone asks, "how many championships have you been to?"

Oh really? Then why is Bron making consecutive finals in the East even brought up at all?
it's the same stupid argument when people say Montana is better than Brady.
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Right. It's just so illogical.

Someone should let LeBron know he should throw the ECF on purpose. Otherwise his legacy is ruined.
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Again I don't remember anyone Critical of LeBron when he said that. It's almost like People think differently and have different opinions. Who knew.

And I agree with you by the way.
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