2017 NFL Offseason Thread - jetpacunlimited enters the Witness Protection Program

Who's going to win the Super Bowl?

  • New England Patriots

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  • Kansas City Chiefs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dallas Cowboys

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atlanta Falcons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Detroit Lions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Seattle Seahawks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New York Giants

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Bay Packers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Dolphins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pittsburgh Steelers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oakland Raiders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Houston Texans

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What exactly happened after that SB run? Why did TO go crazy on the team and start doing sit ups in his drive way. The whole ordeal was so confusing. What was his gripe?

The Eagles pulled a fast one in TO's contract basically making it affordable to cut him after year 2 without any guarantees which TO didn't initially read in his contract. Plus, he balled out and was grossly underpaid for what he did
In Philly.

What really irked TO was that he expected McTie to come to his defense like he did Brian Westbrook when he had a contract dispute but McTie let his ego get in the way and didn't say ****.

This lead TO to say comments in regards to the Eagles having a better chance to win the SB with Brett Favre as opposed to McTie, although Michael Irvin kind of set TO up for that by asking him a question about Favre.

While the Cowboys were known to overpay for average/mediocre talent, the Eagles were known to underpay. TO deserved a new contract after the way he balled out on one leg.

Being a division rival, that SB really had me wanting the Eagles to win just so TO could have been MVP
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Bo had a way bigger cultural impact then Mike Vick. Mike Vick isn't even borderline hof.
Cultural impact is so overrated. Cause something is popular don't make it great
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Bo had a way bigger cultural impact then Mike Vick. Mike Vick isn't even borderline hof.
Cultural impact is so overrated. Cause something is popular don't make it great

You cant be serious bro. Vick changed the game bro. The qb position and how defenses play against him.
Vick didn't change the game. Quite the opposite. The game figured out him. He was something we and the NFL had never seen before, but he didn't change the game.
You cant be serious bro. Vick changed the game bro. The qb position and how defenses play against him.
No he didn't and I loved Vick. Running QBs that won the SB. Hmmm.

One of my favorites athletes ever, I loved Vick but he wasn't that nice and got figured out quick. I swear, just cause something is popular, they hype it up to something it's not. It irks me.
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Vick is a HOFer ....... right ? :nerd:

Vick? Hell no

i think vick gets in eventually but way down the road. the way he turned his life around and how he still manages to keep reaching out to the community is the stuff the nfl eats up as well. vick had a good career that left one wanting to see that next level but the jail time caused him to regress too much to see what could of been. he ran out of time in philly but you saw glimpses of what veteran vick could of been :x :smh: :nthat: . his best season was in philly so he was on the right track.

2010 - 3000 yds passing / 21 tds / 6 ints
600 yds rushing / 9 rushing tds

McNabb seems like he doesn't 0 prep for his shows

Much like his games. :nerd:

And TO did it to himself, I agree he should be in the Hall, but dude caused a lot drama.

what does any of that have to do with what he did between the white lines when the football was kicked off? not a damn thing. absolutely digusting that arguably the 2nd greatest receiver in the history of the nfl is not a first ballot hof or even 2nd year. chester posted that in the voting he wasnt even voted in the top 10 of this years class. absolutely asinine. i hope when TO gets in he rips the voters a new one while hes on stage presenting his speech.
Im not going argue vick changed the game if you cant see that no need to respond.

vick didnt change the game. he was someone we have not seen before but he didnt change the game. one of my favorite players of all time.
dudes accuracy was pathetic bro. Great arm, running ability but a QB that is inaccurate can't be great. Is what it is. Fumbled like crazy.

Huge fan but call em how I see em.
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Vick not a HOFer. He admitted he didn't put in the work he needed to when he was in Atlanta which is disappointing. Sad we didn't get to see what he could have been.
The only argument I could see someone could make for Vick changing the game is how many kids who watched him play where inspired to be a two way QB like him.
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Vick not a HOFer. He admitted he didn't put in the work he needed to when he was in Atlanta which is disappointing. Sad we didn't get to see what he could have been.

i think we saw glimpses of what he could of been in philly. just ran out of time.
I miss the Michael Vick computer games you could play on....was it Nike.com? Remember playing them for hours during HS.
Speaking of......

GOAT commercial

I remember being so hype that Madden was gonna look like that on the 360 
If Vick had Dak's poise and could read  a defense he would have been GOAT. Im a huge Vick fan, but watching him could be painful sometimes because he often made boneheaded plays and sucked at changing plays at the line of scrimmage.
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