2018 NBA Playoffs Thread

Who will win The Finals

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You’re looking for attention with that prediction lol
not at all. Rockets or gs winning the chip this year. Curry not 100 percent healthy I'll take rockets in 5. Even with hundred percent curry it might go 7 . Warriors had no answer for the rockets this year during the season.
I wouldnt feel comfortable putting money on either of them tho unless curry isn't 100.
I think your second statement is more true than AD having a "bad game" but yeah they're a different beast

With the way AD's been playing the last 2 months, this is considered a bad game. He looks helpless out there

All credit to GSW tho. Jrue a non factor

This is the series where I think Boogie could've played a difference. Gotta slow down the pace against GSW and counter against doubling on AD
Sure it's 1 game, but this is why people talk about matchups so much. Dame and CJ could give the Warriors a fit even with Curry playing (not saying they'd win), even though they were thoroughly out-classed by the Pels, cause they had nothing for Davis. Right now, the Pels look like the team people blew off at various times during the season. Names like Eatwon Moore, Darryl Miller, and Jrue Holliday don't at all put fear in this GSW team
Sure it's 1 game, but this is why people talk about matchups so much. Dame and CJ could give the Warriors a fit even with Curry playing (not saying they'd win), even though they were thoroughly out-classed by the Pels, cause they had nothing for Davis. Right now, the Pels look like the team people blew off at various times during the season. Names like Eatwon Moore, Darryl Miller, and Jrue Holliday don't at all put fear in this GSW team
Easy sweep for the warriors. This team always just coasts to the finals. What a joke
Curry isn't even playing tonight

My God curry in and they might win by 50

Just end the NBA already. This is stupid
I think the Jazz are going to have a rough time with the Rockets with no Rubio for the first 4 games most likely...
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