2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

And yet I gotta hear a pats homer defend a pats assistant and the history of pats assistants in the NFL

was listening to one our more plugged in writers talk about Flores v Patricia in terms of the impression he got from the defensive players. last year, the players talked A TON about Patricia, how much they liked him, what he was doing. this season, there was very little said about Flores from the players. they did talk about him and give him credit, but they brought Bill up a lot more this season. i just heard that this morning and thought it was interesting. i definitely did hear players talk about "Flo" and how he always has them prepared with the game plan during the season, but thought it was pretty telling. and thought it did help explain how the defense performed a lot better down the stretch this year v last year. the biggest change was the defense's willingness to blitz and that "amoeba front"
was listening to one our more plugged in writers talk about Flores v Patricia in terms of the impression he got from the defensive players. last year, the players talked A TON about Patricia, how much they liked him, what he was doing. this season, there was very little said about Flores from the players. they did talk about him and give him credit, but they brought Bill up a lot more this season. i just heard that this morning and thought it was interesting. i definitely did hear players talk about "Flo" and how he always has them prepared with the game plan, but pretty telling.

as i said in my argument with said pats homer, given history, i would have gone with the chiefs OC

obviously hoodie is far better coach than reid 1 v 1.. but reid is obviously doing something right with his assistants
this was expected but now official...another Pats coach off the Phins

C CP1708 Bantz Lord T Bantz Lord T @ITO


Not too sure why the giggle.

He’s made a lot out of a little.

It’s all a crap shoot, we’ll see come year two and three. I don’t expect much next year, but who knows.
Not too sure why the giggle.

He’s made a lot out of a little.

It’s all a crap shoot, we’ll see come year two and three. I don’t expect much next year, but who knows.

for sure a crapshoot...he's just one of the last people i expected to get an OC job. the giggle was just more of our guys infiltrating AFCE teams...just BB illuminati jokes
At the end of the day, it's as simple as this folks: if the front office does not "hit" on our next franchise QB, Flores won't last long here in Miami.
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