2019 NFL Discussion Thread: StaXX talking to himself

Should @Hahahaha be allowed byke?

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Kiara was cool a few years ago, she OD with the plastic surgery now. Looking fukcin crazy.

Yea.. I mean if you going pull a pro sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many better
Damn Jimmy that butt job is trash too...I know he did his research before smashing. She prolly always been in his top 5 actress list. So I can’t knock him for smashing but to be caught holding hands in public? Big L.
anyone heard from @Chester McFloppy yet????


least he got whatever the oregon QB that everyone seems to be talking about now left

this was his last post :nerd:


Rams confirmed NFCW champs...if you didn't already believe this :lol
Jimmy does look like a beta though. Dudes were in here slurping Jimmy saying he’s handsome. Son obviously doesn’t have any game :lol:
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