2021-22 NFL Off-Season Thread | Training Camp

Will any teams be forced to forfeit games due to COVID-19?

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They play again?

Shaw has been reinstated, but no team has signed him.

Alex Karras retired in 1970 and is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Paul Hornung played until 1966 and is also in the HoF.

Art Schlichter was reinstated, but got kicked out of the NFL because he was wildin' from the jump.
Rules are rules but dude bet his team was going to win and hes not playing…..really it should be allowed why not……unless they bet their team is going to lose……I guess the prospect of insider info is the main reason why it shouldn’t be allowed, but thats to protect the casinos…..long as the players are not in position to take a dive or even thought to it should be allowed!

I mean come on….his wife or family can bet, why not him?

Sucks to see this guy lose all this money lets make it 7 games
Hell nah.

The reason Vegas can fleece pockets is because of the existing assumed shroud of parity and fairness that comes from the parallel assumption that everyone is betting off the same foundation of info. If you know the game plan or about a lingering injury or homie finding out he got cheated on etc the scale is flipped.

Having professional athletes and auxiliary people betting on their own sport = insider trading.
Hell nah.

The reason Vegas can fleece pockets is because of the existing assumed shroud of parity and fairness that comes from the parallel assumption that everyone is betting off the same foundation of info. If you know the game plan or about a lingering injury or homie finding out he got cheated on etc the scale is flipped.

Having professional athletes and auxiliary people betting on their own sport = insider trading.

Yup. That’s why this gets the harsher penalties over more serious offenses, you’re messing with these owners money. If fans think it’s rigged top to bottom and stop watching the game is dead.

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guys that beat their wives get less than that
it's not like he bet against his own team. think a year ban is kinda excessive

Suggs continually overlooked. That story still one of the worst, man. Those guys deserve a different kind of punishment.

I get the Ridley thing though. Even if he's not playing while betting. Like aNYone aNYone said, he's got inside information. If not penalized, I'm trying to be towel boy for a season in the stadium that hosts the SB, just so I can be there to wager it all on the Gatorade color at the SB.
seriously though, gotta make Ross sell the team. you know, integrity of the game and all that. actively costing players bonuses. gotta ban him
I feel like this is correct, if it can be proven. Admittedly havent been following that story much since it first dropped, but its just he said she said type stuff at this point right?
Suggs continually overlooked. That story still one of the worst, man. Those guys deserve a different kind of punishment.

I get the Ridley thing though. Even if he's not playing while betting. Like aNYone aNYone said, he's got inside information. If not penalized, I'm trying to be towel boy for a season in the stadium that hosts the SB, just so I can be there to wager it all on the Gatorade color at the SB.
From what I understand, those type of bets are capped at Vegas books. You arent going to get rich off of something verifiable like that.
A whole season seems extremely OD, but I understand it.
Suspending him for some fun parlays is crazy, but at the same time, how tf can you be that dumb?
Ridley been saying himself he knew it was wrong and still ain’t give a F, hard to feel sorry for yo regarding whatever punishment they dropped on him
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