2021-22 NFL Off-Season Thread | Training Camp

Will any teams be forced to forfeit games due to COVID-19?

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Thing is I honestly don't think he thought it was a "risk".

You know these cats don't think **** through. Fam probably thought being inactive and away from the team gave him a pass :lol:
Exactly what his pr crafted apology should include. Instead, he’s tweeting ****. :smh::smh:
First Ruggs now Ridley potentially running his career, there's something in the water in that Tuscaloosa WR room :lol: :smh:
First Ruggs now Ridley potentially running his career, there's something in the water in that Tuscaloosa WR room :lol: :smh:

what ridley did was dumb.. but still
First Ruggs now Ridley potentially running his career, there's something in the water in that Tuscaloosa WR room :lol: :smh:
G, I was just about to post this about Ruggs now him. NFL looking crazy these days, whatever protocol they run needs a serious revision. Ruggs needed a homeboy driver and Ridley needed a homeboy bet guy.
NFL gets into bed with Gambling 100% so they can get every nickel they can out of it, and have a case a year in. :lol:

Who coulda seen this coming? :smh: Greedy *** dudes knew this **** would happen but "didn't care".

Dude bet 1500 bucks, on his team to win, without him playing, while he was away from the team. Meanwhile, league gon cash in a few hundred million off it this year so Jerry can buy a 9th yacht. :rolleyes
Rules are rules but dude bet his team was going to win and hes not playing…..really it should be allowed why not……unless they bet their team is going to lose……I guess the prospect of insider info is the main reason why it shouldn’t be allowed, but thats to protect the casinos…..long as the players are not in position to take a dive or even thought to it should be allowed!

I mean come on….his wife or family can bet, why not him?

Sucks to see this guy lose all this money lets make it 7 games
that's pretty ridiculous he gets canned for a year for betting while being away from the team :lol:

that said, stop tweeting about it, dummy :lol:
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