2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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The Nets are not trading this pick for young prospects. They have to compete due to the Rockets having all their picks.

Best possible player offered would be BI or Zion.
Nola offers BI or Zion + Herb plus all their picks I think I’d take if I was Brooklyn.

I like the Ayton/Bridges package too but they’re more role players and at least BI still has star potential.
This is true. Nola’s package is also very good. But if KD publically says he doesn’t want NOLA, it’s hard to stomach trading so many picks for a guy who may ask for a trade shortly after arriving
So I finally caught up on the big news. Bo Cruz got waived?

Still catching up on the thread, EYE guess PHA got tired of all the foolishness with Myrie. :lol: :smh:

That coupled with Steve showing out in the Finals and winning another ring he got worked into the shootiest of shoots.

It's amazing how this Nets debacle turned out.

The ******* that NBA Free Agency brings is really only rivaled by Courtney and her PowerVerse™.
I can't think of two people who deserve each other more
They JUST said these ****** have spoken to each other, and both of them looking for new homes, NOW all the sudden they want to play together but just not in BK. These dumb, irrelevant *** takes man. I hate ESPN.
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