2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Yes, yes, yes. I been telling everyone for years Bigs weren't going anywhere.

I guarantee everyone here widespread post play will return to the L quicker than we may expect.

Hardly any team or group of players can be like and do what GSW does from the perimeter good enough that it leads to championship success. Milwaukee and Toronto and LAL didn't win titles by relying on half their shots from the field being three pointers.

But most every Big can learn how to use their size and length to score and operate in the paint, whether it's a 6-10 guy taking a defender off the dribble to attack the paint or a 7 footer like Holmgren posting up a smaller 6'8" wing and taking advantage of all that open space in the paint since everyone else camped out beyond the three point line lol.

Bigs about to take over the NBA once again
They really left RJ off this to put on Drew League benchwarmer John Collins

I really can’t believe KD and Kyrie ran Jarrett Allen out of Brooklyn…just for their best friend…a clearly washed Deandre Jordan to start :lol:. That, and running out Kenny Atkinson. They deserve where they are right now. Those my guys, but they really be in their own way, and I don’t like that about them.

JA is still under 25, and getting better.

Crazy stuff man. Go Cavs! That front court and garland/Rubio so fun to watch. And my main man caris.

I hope Sexton declines, and they move him for some depth/rotational guys
I don't really have the foresight to see how he can be successful, but I'm starting to believe in him and hope for him. At 23% believing and hoping right now.

He isnt at a huge school so not a good sign that he didnt get huge offers (correct me if im wrong) but also may work in his favor. He can def stand out on that team if he plays well. It would be crazy to see him in the league though and he would draw a TON of fans, albeit maybe just to see the one armed guy playing ball, but still.

Edit: Memphis gave him an offer
The last time someone from Northwestern State got drafted was in 1983, in the 4th round…and that person had 2 arms.
If he had both arms he’d be a top 10 player in his class.

One of the reasons I love the NIL is that Hansel will still be able to make bread regardless if he makes the league or not. Getting as far as he already has is an accomplishment as it is and he deserves to be compensated for it.
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