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Even before 2018-19 we already knew Harden wasn't it.

Playoff Reggie Miller > Playoff Harden
Playoff Iverson > Playoff Harden
Playoff Ray Allen > Playoff Harden
Playoff Ginobili > Playoff Harden
Reg Season McGrady > Reg season Harden
Vince Carter > Harden
Playoff Baron Davis > Playoff Harden
Playoff Drexler > Playoff Harden

Harden is 2nd tier when he's compared to other great SG's in the modern era IMO

He is the epitome and definition of a PURE STAT STUFFER.
SOME of Yall didn't like hearing this at the time but comparing the Iso abilities of the modern players vs. folks of the hand-checking era is just a pointless debate.

So the Harden being the best scorer of all-time comments by folks have ALWAYS been wild to me.

Hand checking was never an issue for a great scorer but help side defense has eased up with better spacing.

Hand checking is the boogeyman

Harden just checks out of important games. It’s awful. He’s had great playoff games but you can’t count on him when it gets hot. The most important feature of being a gamer, he ain’t got.

Pretty much. Dude just out there watching the clock tick to zero, and that's ok. Not everyone has IT
Harden was supposed to take the next step as a player. He didn't.

Interested to see if anything comes out now about his hamstring injury.
I was going there but not after this postseason. Dude was out there playing with a broken face to avoid people calling him soft. Dude wants the respect and hears the chatter.

He can’t help the injuries but it’s always something with Embiid. Last year he was awful against the hawks but thankfully for him simmons was even worse. Remember he had tummy issues.

Can’t remember the last series Embiid left a huge imprint on. I mess with his talent but his time is of slander is nigh
Even before 2018-19 we already knew Harden wasn't it.

Playoff Reggie Miller > Playoff Harden
Playoff Iverson > Playoff Harden
Playoff Ray Allen > Playoff Harden
Playoff Ginobili > Playoff Harden
Reg Season McGrady > Reg season Harden
Vince Carter > Harden
Playoff Baron Davis > Playoff Harden
Playoff Drexler > Playoff Harden

Harden is 2nd tier when he's compared to other great SG's in the modern era IMO

He is the epitome and definition of a PURE STAT STUFFER.
All they had to do is change the foul rules and dude became subpar ...
I was going there but not after this postseason. Dude was out there playing with a broken face to avoid people calling him soft. Dude wants the respect and hears the chatter.
Embiid was getting hit in his broken face every 5 minutes in losing efforts
You can tell he wants it and he wants to be the guy and win it all and do what it takes

Very different from Ben who's out here getting BBLs to avoid accountability
He been tricking off some of these games but he still actually tries and owns up to it. Until he has a playoff run without missing any games I’ll reserve judgment
I’m cutting him some slack but it’s getting tight for him. Availability is an ability.

Bigs can’t shoot 42% in a series. Don’t care if your face is broken or not.
He can’t help the injuries but it’s always something with Embiid. Last year he was awful against the hawks but thankfully for him simmons was even worse. Remember he had tummy issues.

Can’t remember the last series Embiid left a huge imprint on. I mess with his talent but his time is of slander is nigh
Miami in 2018. He was *** but actually changed the series when he did play. Other than that he hasn’t been the best player

2018 v Cs - TJ
2019 v Nets - Simmons
2019 v Raptors - Himmy
2020 v Cs - Didn’t count #FakeBubble
2021 v Wiz - Simmons (Tobias maybe)
2021 v Hawks - Curry
2022 v Raptors - Tobias
2022 v Heat - Maxey
People really moved this fool passed DWade at one point 😂
SG is the weakest position of them all. Its Mike, Kobe and the rest is hair-splitting/Bias to me. I personally can't give it to Harden anymore but I won't be mad at those who just look at the Houston years in a vacuum.

Wade got the Bron stimulus package, which is a major skew factor.
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