2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie


Cutch putting hot sauce behind his ears :nerd:
all the road teams won the series in the wild card game except the indians who took care of business
It's been a strange year for the Mets. They've had their second best season record wise of all time and yet they failed to get first place and are probably going to lose the WC series. But again, they played like crap in games that mattered the most. Failing to even get one win in that last Atlanta series doomed them to the WC where they had to play against the Padres, who played well against them all year. Mets managed to win one game but the offense needed to show up in more than one game. They have themselves to blame. 101 wins but not when it mattered the most.

With the Mets out, I'm done with the postseason. I wouldn't mind seeing the Mariners win it all but that's about it. I don't have any teams to root for. I don't like the Phillies, Braves or Yanks. The offseason is going to be interesting with a lot of players becoming free agents (deGrom especially) and the Mets feeling the sting of not making a bigger move at the trade deadline. I see Uncle Stevie spending a lot in the winter.
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