2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

An All-Star Election Day has been discussed but never implemented. Under the proposed plan, the standard online voting would take place starting this year. Upon its completion, the top three vote-getters at each position in each league would be on the ballot on Election Day, and whichever players received the most votes on that single day would determine the All-Star starters, according to sources.
Trout at 28 vs Pujols at 32, easy call to break the bank for Mike

This is precisely why I think its idiotic when people make the "how many 10 year contracts work out?" declarations. Of all the 10 year contracts given out, apart from maybe ARod, the players were at the tail end or completely out of their primes. There is no apples to apples comparison. So many people said "Philly is going to regret this. Look at how the others turned out." I think that line of reasoning is so off base. Comparing a Bryce Harper entering his prime to an Albert Pujols or Robinson Cano who are both out of theirs is just headscratching to me.
That new federal safety valve act probably played a part in a short sentence being that he’s a first time drug offender. Due to over population in the Feds for first time drug offense cats they’re really trying to cut down time for first time offenders, way below the minimum.

I know cause my big bro going thru it currently, but he’s looking at 10-12 years :smh:
Hoskins 8)

This lu gonna be so filthy

We actually got guys who can lay off bad pitches and earn walks
Josh James has a quad strain which will force him to come out of the pen when he comes back. All but takes him out of the ROY race imo.
You right, I forgot about James's quad injury. He threw a BP session Thursday. Guess it's Valdez or Peacock for the last spot in Houston's rotation.
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