2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

Well on a positive note got this done during the shelter in place...

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So what’s the consensus on having baseball this year? Y’all think players gonna agree to the extra paycut?
So what’s the consensus on having baseball this year? Y’all think players gonna agree to the extra paycut?
My opinion is still no MLB being played. Unless they come out and say they don't care anymore if a player gets the virus, they'll just deal with it. Which is where we are possibly heading to.

It's come out that all that matters right now, given the circumstances, is the playoffs and WS being played. That's where the real money is for this year. They know there either won't be fans in the stands, or limited fans. So the playoff TV contracts are everything. Do they just say screw the regular season and just play a playoff? Could happen. Would union do it? No chance IMO. Pitchers especially.

Opening day this year was scheduled to be March 26. That's already 62 days ago. Another spring training would need to happen. That's 5-6 weeks. They are running out of time for the 82 game schedule idea. Not now. But soon.
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I am very conflicted about the amount of *****ing Minor Leaguers have been doing in the last year or whatever. On one hand, seeing how much MLB teams make for their entire franchises, there definitely is an argument that the players at the low levels should be paid more. On the other hand, these people are working towards their dreams. Gotta start at the bottom. You know how many people in the world take unpaid internships or minimum wage internships for companies that make millions? Happens all the time. Why should baseball be different?

If Minor Leaguers start to get paid a lot more than they are now, there are going to be far less of them in the future. Everyone wants more money, until they think about the consequences of having those increases.
One of the saddest conversations I’ve had in the last few years was last summer (think I told the thread):

Close friend from HS was basically an injury away from the show - made it to spring training 3x, solid stats at AA
Gave himself until he was 30 and decided to quit
Now in the real world back to square one and has like 30k or so saved but that’s it
Doesn’t know how to sit at a desk all day, etc

Hearing this I’m all for giving the minors a bit of a boost
Cannot wait until we have all other leagues resume & MLB doesn't. Greed is a helluva drug; both sides here, but more so the league itself IMO. I'm siding with the players.
I was drafted by the white Sox in 2013 and played minor league baseball for 4 seasons. standard contract is $1250 a month and goes up $25 each year you play and like $50 for each level you go up. After taxes I was getting about $400ish per paycheck. $2-300 to host family for rent (if you were lucky) or $400ish to split an apartment with 5-6 guys and I had about $500 a month for food and entertainment. My parents were giving me an allowance so I could afford more than Taco Bell or Sonic for dinner every night.

not a sob story by any means, I loved every moment of it and I was riding a lotto ticket being able to do something less than .1% of the population can do and I knowingly signed up for it.

however, my biggest gripe was that the time we were required by our employer to be at the field (12 pm- 11pm) every day, we made about $3/hour which is just not right.

the whole thing is a dirty, shady business and I blame mlb more than the owners, some of these *** clowns never should’ve been allowed to own teams In the first place. It seems to me that its a logical investment to bump pay or keep pay the same and provide meals, provide housing, basic necessities for players which they aren’t doing outside of a handful of organizations which you can probably guess since they always develop their talent

/rant :lol:
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^had a coworker whose kid played in the minors for a couple yrs. the parents pretty much supported him financially and still do now that he stopped playing. i was surprised when i heard that. i did not expect the pay to be that low. i alwys thought the players got at least a decent signing bonus that would cover them
^had a coworker whose kid played in the minors for a couple yrs. the parents pretty much supported him financially and still do now that he stopped playing. i was surprised when i heard that. i did not expect the pay to be that low. i alwys thought the players got at least a decent signing bonus that would cover them

I can’t find any articles or anything on it now but supposedly right around 2013-2014 there was a proposal of mlb players “donating” 1% of their salaries to minor leaguers and it would’ve bumped our pay to $45k/year and it was unanimously declined.

usually there is only about 2-3 “bonus baby’s” on any team you’re on ($100k+) and even then they get it paid out throughout the length of their contract rather than all at once because if you retire before your first contract is up the team can take some of it back, so they don’t even have disposable money either, it’s insane
^had a coworker whose kid played in the minors for a couple yrs. the parents pretty much supported him financially and still do now that he stopped playing. i was surprised when i heard that. i did not expect the pay to be that low. i alwys thought the players got at least a decent signing bonus that would cover them

One of my boys is in the majors now but his signing bonus when he was drafted was 1,000 and he was being supported by his parents. Couldn’t eem afford an iphone without his mom’s help.
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