2023 Official MLB Season Thread

do work son do work son you're a deplorable human with beyond questionable morals. Pretend to be high and mighty but when it is inconvenient, your true colors show. Good to know how easily you flip flop on things. I don't care if you and C CP1708 saw the Astro's winning, they were there erroneously, I want that title vacated and you and him can go and cry together about how it's wrong and all, despite the Astro's not deserving to be there. Y'all both lack character and morals, y'all are cut from the same cloth as Altuve and Verlander. Punk asses

I can't tell if this is serious :lol:
honestly don’t believe this is buzz kill at all lol. MLB is getting hammered by this and a lot of people and teams are upset that Manfred didn’t come down harder on the Astros when they were originally told he would. I think MLB is just covering its *** at this point because they botched it.

Exactly my thoughts.
do work son do work son you're a deplorable human with beyond questionable morals. Pretend to be high and mighty but when it is inconvenient, your true colors show. Good to know how easily you flip flop on things. I don't care if you and C CP1708 saw the Astro's winning, they were there erroneously, I want that title vacated and you and him can go and cry together about how it's wrong and all, despite the Astro's not deserving to be there. Y'all both lack character and morals, y'all are cut from the same cloth as Altuve and Verlander. Punk asses

Ok. You guys vacate the Yankee PED world series's, I'll vacate Houston. Deal?
Ok. You guys vacate the Yankee PED world series's, I'll vacate Houston. Deal?
Sure, Yankees would still reign on top in the league. In the same breath, Red Sox have to give up the ones they won with their PED players too. You thought you did something clever, you thought "oh I had him", well sorry to break it to you, Yankees still reign supreme and you and the team you're capping hard for are as irrelevant as ever and should be extinguished.
Sure, Yankees would still reign on top in the league. In the same breath, Red Sox have to give up the ones they won with their PED players too. You thought you did something clever, you thought "oh I had him", well sorry to break it to you, Yankees still reign supreme and you and the team you're capping hard for are as irrelevant as ever and should be extinguished.

MLB hasn’t found evidence, sure. We have pics and proof. MLB knows how bad of a look it is so they’re gonna deny this and hope it goes away. MLB really fumbled this, this is real bad.

Why people keep talking about the Yankees and PEDs? Whole league had players on juice from the early 90s and a lot are still on it.
MLB hasn’t found evidence, sure. We have pics and proof. MLB knows how bad of a look it is so they’re gonna deny this and hope it goes away. MLB really fumbled this, this is real bad.

Why people keep talking about the Yankees and PEDs? Whole league had players on juice from the early 90s and a lot are still on it.

Whole league cheating and stealing signs too.
even before that mcdowell quote came out, i have no doubt a lot of this started in and stems from St. Louis. Luhnow was there too. Beltran was there before going to the yankees and astros. I wouldn't be shocked if it predates the Cardinals, but I'm positive they have some role in all of this.

edit: i'm also shocked that all the players are getting off with no punishment. if the rationale in suspending hinch was that he knew and did nothing, what of the players? and if this does go back to st louis, how many other players/managers know of similar tactics but have said nothing? Bauer is prominently running around saying he's heard these rumors of buzzers. from where? from who? The MLB definitely botched this "investigation". There's probably a lot more skeletons buried that they just don't want to acknowledge because of deep it stems and how damaging it would be.
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Just so funny how a sport thats looked at like a religion, with all of its unwritten rules and pomp and circumstance about everything - of course has an underbelly fueled by greed.

Americas great past time has that underbelly just like the history of the country itself.

We as humans are competetive and tribal, and given the opportunity to have an edge, we will take it.
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