2024 NBA Draft Thread - SUMMER LEAGUE JULY 6TH

Eventually someone will.

Will it happen before there's some sort of college athletics reform? Who knows.

Just a major gamble to put yourself totally out of sight, out of mind when you're basically interviewing for the biggest job of your life. Especially when these international leagues have a tendency to bury young players and American players in general.
Availability of video on players in any league today and he amount of international scouts these teams have now the risk is decreasing.
These kids grow up way too fast these days. He’s gonna hate his life there.

From first class flights, being a celebrity on campus, unlimited poonchang, forming life long friends to charter buses and grown men offering u cigarettes after a game before they go to the local brothel or home to their wives. He ain’t making no real connections there.

I don’t know how poor his family is, but is that chump change combined with that ****ty experience for a 18 year old really worth it? I don’t think so.

The end result (NBA) will be the same regardless of the route he chooses. This will never be a trend.
His family is going with him for a year.
So if his family isn’t poor, are there any positives of going there?

Playing basketball in a pro system. Getting paid to play basketball. Learning experience

It’s crazy. We applaud students for learning abroad. We applaud the young entrepreneur for starting a business out of high school. When the black athlete does it, he must be poor or he’s missing out on a great experience.

That’s poor
Playing basketball in a pro system. Getting paid to play basketball. Learning experience

It’s crazy. We applaud students for learning abroad. We applaud the young entrepreneur for starting a business out of high school. When the athlete does it, he must be poor or he’s missing out on a great experience.

That’s poor

Only in basketball and football though..gotta be specific. Every other sport the athlete can get their money at any time and no one bats an eye.
The education abroad is infinitely better. On the other hand, let’s not act like most students go abroad from here for the education. It’s more so the experience.

Everyone knows you don’t need a degree to be successful. Starting a business from high school has nothing to do with this. Can’t compare those two to sports.

There isn’t one positive in this. Playing in a professional system? How has that worked for the development of Jennings or Mudiay or anyone else that went overseas.

He’s a kid, there’s a reason his family is going with him. He needs real playing time and real organized basketball at this age. Which I don’t think he’ll getting in New Zealand, because if he’s trash his *** is gonna get glued to the bench there. Then reality is gonna set in.

You can literally ask most top prospects and they’ll all say their best experiences were in college. I said his family must be poor, because I can’t think of any good reason for someone like him to skip out on college. It hasn’t benefited anyone to this day.

Have a ****** experience for a year and maybe get drafted in the top 10 vs. having the best experience of your life for a year and maybe getting drafted in the top 10.

His real development will be in the NBA anyway. The end result would be the same regardless.
Yeah so what is his reasoning exactly to do this?

Considering he’s in like an upper middle class family that isn’t struggling for money.
I like it! People mature at different levels. Some need to be on grade, some skip grades. How many times have kids gone off to college, and got in TROUBLE??? A TON. Academically, assaults, thefts, etc etc.

Then the media starts painting you and your university in a negative light.

Look how many colleges have to erase championships, players names, etc. when the NCAA administers penalties. I wouldn’t want to play college ball either, if God forbid they’re going to erase my namesake and awards. Look The Fab 5, Derrick Rose, Reggie Bush, etc.

Might as well play pro, like soccer does.
Can’t compare those two to sports. There isn’t one positive in this. Playing in a professional system? How has that worked for the development of Jennings or Mudiay or anyone else that went overseas.

Playing professionally didn’t hurt either of them either. They were/NBA players and regardless of them not being all stars, one year of college wasn’t going to do that for him. Going overseas helped Ferg because I I think he would have been a second round pick had he gone to school.

Ben Simmons hated school so much, he made a documentary about it. He’s forged lifelong relationships on the AAU circuit. It’s a group of 3 or 4 future NBA guys here in Dallas his age.

Everyone’s experience is different. I’m not mad at him. No one should.
Yeah so what is his reasoning exactly to do this?

There is a running myth that skipping college will develop you faster.

If you’re trash you’ll always be trash. The best development happens in the NBA period. Unless you’re a big, very few cases (if any) support someone going overseas.

Prospects go overseas because their lives are controlled by their fathers (Lavar), they’re dumb *** rocks (can’t meet below average SAT/ACT scores) or their family is poor (Mudiay). There is no other reason to go there as a teenager.
To be clear I’m not mad at him. Don’t even know him, obviously hope it works out. I just don’t agree with it at all.
IMO RJ stung out his decision because all the places he wanted to go started to get crowded with other prospects. Its no secret that RJ and his dad wanted him to have the keys and get the most shine possible. Once that started to dry up he had to either had to go to a stacked team or go to Texas Tech and be a one man show on a iffy roster.

So if RJ only cares about showcasing his abilities then a bag and his family being with him probably looked better than no bag and lacing them up for Texas tech even with his family still being close by. I usually worry about pt when it comes to teenagers vs grown men overseas but the way the New Zealand breakers are hyping this move up I doubt he sees the pine.
The roster at Tech was going to be interesting... Would've still been the best team in the BigXii after Kansas had they added RJ. Would've been a really interesting landing spot with some of the guard talent already there and Jahmius Ramsey and the transfer group coming in...

The NBL and the Breakers feel a little different to me for the reason they've got NBA guys and American influencers in their ownership group... Leads me to believe there's a higher likelihood he won't get buried.

I don't remember Brandon Jennings' situation, but RJ's at least coming at this from a different prospective than Terrance Ferguson and Mudiay in that he doesn't need to make this move for money or for lack of ability to qualify for college admission.
Jennings got busted for someone taking his test, I think.

I think it was Kevin Love's bro that leaked it on here before it spread on the Internet. :lol:
Jennings got busted for someone taking his test, I think.

I think it was Kevin Love's bro that leaked it on here before it spread on the Internet. :lol:

I totally forgot K. Love's bro used to come on here once in a blue moon and drop little nuggets.

What was his username again?
Bballah3 or something like that.

The best take was when Love was negotiating his rookie extension and he said he wouldn't accept anything less than the five year max. Kevin ended up with the four year extension.
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