2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Nah there should be a Dunk thread abd a seperate thread for all other SBs so I dont have to keep seeing blazers.
Blazers or Ishods. Two shoes that make me want to yack.....and my toes stack on top of another they are so narrow lol!

Back to back black black box shoes
Not crazy for the color, I’ll def try to see in hand, and make final judgement then.

LoL who am I kidding. I’m def taking the L-train on those.
I’ve given up on these hype sb releases, we all know who’s gonna get them and I refuse to pay resale so won’t be in my hands but that’s fine with me will still stick to the other sb’s that no one cares for
I feel like in your scenario, the person’s biggest objection would still be not wanting to pay more than retail.

If you’re not trying to boycott resellers and it’s just about the price, that’s a different issue. But still equally ridiculous. Because when it comes to super-hyped high-demand low-supply releases, it’s super naive and ignorant if you really expect to win something super expensive for only a fraction of the market price. Imagine wanting Off White 1s but drawing a hard line at $170 lmfao

But coincidentally.. the prices of counterfeits are almost always right around retail prices..
So Just saw this about a rumored Dunk SB Low Supreme series again this year. Unlike the Jordan 1 High that’s dropping this year, which is too much elephant print for me due to it being a High, I’ve always thought that putting elephant print on the overlay of a LOW silhouette looks SO MUCH BETTER. If they indeed do look like these, the Black and Brown colorways looks cool, but that Blue and Red not so much IMO. But ultimately, we all know how these rumors/leaks are, so we’ll just have to see what they truly look like if they really are a thing.

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