2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

He didn't do anything per say to piss me off. He is just a terrible businessman. I was desperate for a pair of CNY so I turned to him. I understand people have set prices but he wouldnt even budge 10 bucks. Whatever.

I asked him to please double box the shoes. No response. I had to ask him again when he would ship them out. He gave me some lame excuse how they just got in and it would be at the end of the week. I then ask for a tracking number. No response. I messaged him again and asked what was going on. He claimed to have emailed me a tracking number. There was not one to be found. Yes I looked in my Spam folder.

The shoes however did arrive shortly after. However. He sent it bubble wrapped. BUBBLE WRAPPED. Not even the good stuff but that 1/4 inch bubble wrap. That was what they were packaged in. Box was F'd. It happens. Poor quality box. I open it and see that stupid message. That was the cherry on top. I proceeded to unfollow him on IG. I was rearranging my kicks today and out of spite added to the box art.

I see a lot of you do not like him. He steals pics and tags them to hell. List goes on

I hope I don't get burned for this as he didn't necessarily do anything wrong.

Its just principle. I felt almost as mad as the time I got a shoe box tapped up with a shipping label slapped on.

This concludes my rant. A couple of you fine gentlemen inquired. So I thought I would answer.

At the time no. I don't want to make excuses but I do not always have time to watch auctions. All BINs were higher than PKs prices.
these babies right here, I've heard mixed reviews on quality so I was wondering
i still wear mine on occasion. I gave up trying t keep them clean tho.
ive never ordered from him before but now that i know, i'll avoid him like the plague
thanks for the heads up
look up bro, he explained it a few posts before yours

Just saw it was hopping around a little in the thread before replying, crazy story reminds me of my dude with the when pigs fly I'll update when I get them in but I have a feeling my story will be super similar, this dudes communication skills are non existstant.
I've been eyeing a pair of black grip tape pro Bs for about a year and a half, but the seller won't budge on the price. I'm going to be pissed when someone finally buys it right when I decide to just go ahead and get it.
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