2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Pretty sure most ecommerce sites only charge tax if a.) your state charges sales tax and b.) they have stores in your state.

Just be careful, some skate shops out of my state charged me their tax for phone orders.... don't know the legality of that and I even questioned it, but their excuse was that their system couldn't not charge tax..... whatever.
Just be careful, some skate shops out of my state charged me their tax for phone orders.... don't know the legality of that and I even questioned it, but their excuse was that their system couldn't not charge tax..... whatever.
I think that's because they ring it up as if you were purchasing it there in the store...they ring the shoes up, tax is automatically charged by their POS/register, then they manually enter your credit card number as if the card wouldn't swipe.
I think that's because they ring it up as if you were purchasing it there in the store...they ring the shoes up, tax is automatically charged by their POS/register, then they manually enter your credit card number as if the card wouldn't swipe.

Thats exactly what endless grind did to me on their QS.
finally caved, only my 3rd high pair...fire kick tho, nice materials, the swoosh really sets it off..fliest kicks shipping got even faster ordered thur got it today, there are U.S. shops that i dont get that fast, *cough atlas *cough lol. 
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Beijing's at kinetic this weekend at 10a

finally caved, only my 3rd high pair...fire kick tho, nice materials, the swoosh really sets it off..
I see the 12 available 15 minutes ago and now it's gone... i knew I should jumped on a fourth pair.... This shoe will be my go to work shoe for the next few years. It's perfect.
smart NT'ers 
Originally Posted by PinWheel  

I wish every month could be like August 2014...
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If My Shop Get's The Beijings, I'd Be Glad To Lend A Hand To Whomever I Can.

I Know They Still Have Some Quarter Snacks In Larger Sizes Left Too :nthat:
OKAY, just to recap and keep things organized for those keeping tabs on the Beijings.

So far, based on keeping up with this thread for the past week or so, they are set to release at:

1.  NDC

2.  Tactics Skate Shop

3.  Skate Park of Tampa

4.  Unheardof (thanks @rapcoz2134

They can be currently attained at:

1.  Kicks-Crew

2.  Ebay Pre-Sell 

Dishonorable Mention:

1.  Kix-Files (happy @MakeSomeRice  ? 
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OKAY, just to recap and keep things organized for those keeping tabs on the Beijings.

So far, based on keeping up with this thread for the past week or so, they are set to release at:

1.  NDC
2.  Tactics Skate Shop
3.  Skate Park of Tampa
4.  Unbranded (IF I remember the name correctly, something like that, don't quote me on this)

They can be currently attained at:

1.  Kicks-Crew
2.  Ebay Pre-Sell 

There's a few others who have confirmed such as Premier I believe someone said along with a gaggle of others that said on their Twitters/IG I just cant recall the name currently. Been a long *** day
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