2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Mobile didnt work because you had to access throught the SNKR app.  And the SNKR app timer ended 2 seconds earlier than the desktop timer.  Sizes were still sold out before either timer was done though.  Nike is BS
Damnit gone already what the hell they were gone before they were even up.
This app is going to cause major problems at jordan time i can see this already
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Now let's see how many of those $300+ listings actually move. I can't imagine that a Brown shoe is that popular.
I'm not saying I'd wish bad things on that dude that put them up for $499...  Actually, yes I would.  Screw that guy.
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struck out on the burnished dunks 
NDC is severely broken lmao but they don't even care

they could shut the backdoor, but then they wouldn't sell out of everything instantly

so, really... why would they?
WTF, 2 minutes to go and size 10 is already carted.
NDC is such bull.
Remember when you could buy the shoes you wanted?  That was cool.
I missed out on burnished dunks. Guess I should be saving money anyway.
THIS is how a mature sneaker lover thinks.  This is the reason why this thread is the best and why we constantly see SB's hit sales.  People think like you.
that would explain that, haven't gotten my access code yet
And THAT is Nike for you. Lol smh. 
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