2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Late night cleaning...
Hurley F&F's
patiently waiting to see how they bastardize my believed Supa retro
I know how much you like them, I'm hoping that they do them right but there's no way that I can totally put my faith in SB right now to properly execute them. I hope for you sake, they pull them off right.

Word of mouth aka twitter that the pigeons low are gonna re-release and a high version also .
Hopefully they TRD them and the material is decent.
I know how much you like them, I'm hoping that they do them right but there's no way that I can totally put my faith in SB right now to properly execute them. I hope for you sake, they pull them off right.

Hopefully they TRD them and the material is decent.

I totally agree, those Lance Mountain Blazers were my first SB purchase since the Sea Crystal lows
I'd find staples hard to believe because Jeff Staple usually yaps and promotes his **** pretty hard. I'll wait to see if he says anything.
is Staple even doing well anymore? I see his crap all over the Philly TJ Maxx's, Burlington, 21st Century, etc
Don't you think it make sense for Nike to bring back the pigeon since the whole 15 years Anniversary ? It's The most ironic dunk from the past .. something is telling me it's gonna be the last dunk for the 15 anniversary. :emoji_man_dancing:Finger cross :emoji_fingers_crossed:
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