2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I enjoy seeing dunks in the wild
Though the last time I saw a pair was on a bum

It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen anyone wearing a dunk

I can count the number of times I've spotted people in dunks in the last 10 years on one hand - and that includes lineups for the recent hyped drops.
In 05 I picked up a pair of black and gum CLs from some shop in the mall and a buddy in one of my drawing courses asked me if they were SBs. I had no idea what he was talking about so he pulled up flight club and sent me down the rabbit hole. Back then there were no SB accounts in my area and the combination of being a broke college student and a novice at internet shopping left me basically out of the loop. 3 years ago was a great time to fill in the gaps of the collection. I felt like I was making it rain.

I get celebs jumping on hype trains and that's just whatever to me. Whats irritating is it drives a bunch reselling kids to the shops that get between me and my pairs. I'd be about the hype if it drives NikeSB to reinvigorate the brand with great original designs and materials but I don't know if we're going to see that. The company is clearly in a stage where they're trying to increase their margins - I don't see a reboot any time soon.
The sentiment that people “hate when others wear SB” is unfounded and no one has said that here.

But it’s ok to be bummed when corny as hell artists are seeded product to manufacture mainstream buzz. It’s forced, it’s cheap, and looks stupid.

Don’t be mad at people on a NSB thread when product some of us tried hard / failed to get shows up on the feet of pawns
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