2025 NBA Draft Thread

That has to be a serious case of overtraining for the Porter family. I knew the one sister had 5 acl tears and had to retire...but I didn't know the other one tore hers too.

I think one of the mom or dad tore something as well. Michael needs to get a hold of some of those 'vitamins'
That has to be a serious case of overtraining for the Porter family. I knew the one sister had 5 acl tears and had to retire...but I didn't know the other one tore hers too.

Isn't the whole family vegan too?

A lot of these athletes that went Vegan be looking funny in the light..
Can Zion eventually become a secondary playmaker?
Why not? Draymond Green is the primary playmaker for one of the best teams ever. Don't see why Zion couldn't play a similar role. He seems to have pretty good vision.
Why not? Draymond Green is the primary playmaker for one of the best teams ever. Don't see why Zion couldn't play a similar role. He seems to have pretty good vision.

He really shows it in transition. Always seems to make the right reads.

Only gonna improve in the NBA with a lot more transition opportunity.
As many questions as there are for virtually everyone in this class, someone with Culver's size and apparent scoring ability... you kinda just roll the dice and hope your staff can squeeze the most out of his potential. I read some articles questioning his ceiling which is fair, but compared to the rest of the class you take him and hope for the best
As many questions as there are for virtually everyone in this class, someone with Culver's size and apparent scoring ability... you kinda just roll the dice and hope your staff can squeeze the most out of his potential. I read some articles questioning his ceiling which is fair, but compared to the rest of the class you take him and hope for the best
All of this should go for Reddish too.

That's a NBA move.

Cam hit a very similar shot in the first half of their game as well.
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