2025 NBA Draft Thread

I just cant get on board with Rissacher. Not as a number 1 pick. This is the type of draft where by default you just draft the best big available if they are lottery talent.


Now this is what Lakers fan need to see tonight
I just know Brad is gonna do the same thing he did last year and trade that 30th pick to move back into the 2nd round. Takes a tiny bit of the fun out.
When the draft starts im probably gonna watch it live and react on here later. Im not a big fan of Woj and Shams spoiling the picks before TV tbh
McCain seems like a cool dude when you choose not to overreact to his TikTok’s/nails/etc. Feel like he’d be a good fit for pretty much anybody after the top 8 or so.
I dunno about Sarr. Seems kinda soft. Ducked high level comp.

Obviously has the physical tools though. Worth buying into it if you’re the Wiz.
Seen Bub Carrington play at SFA like Dec 2022. No idea he’d be projected as late lotto pick this year (this weak draft helps). Thought he’d spend a couple years in college and find his way in. But dude was def a pro when I seen him at the HS level. Cool to see he on his way.
What sparked the late Risacher > Sarr movement? Was it just Sarr declining the Hawks workout?
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