
Oh, I thought Dyess got the bulk of minutes at PF/C. I hate watching the Spurs so I have no clue what their rotation is like.

As far as Hou, that's who I was gonna add Hughes to the mix for. Cuz I figured they could either cut Dyess or repackage him later.

Knick tix deals, I'll check and see. I usually get offers from AMEX but I really haven't checked lately.
bleh, i hate real gms trade checker. for soem reason, it never lets me do 4 team deals.
anyway, what i had in mind,
Houston Receives: RIP Ham, Mobley, Duhon
Det Receives: Jefferies, Hinrich
NYK Receives: TT, Tmac
Bulls Recieves: Kwame Brown, Dlee, Nate, Chris Wilcox, +Jonas Jerebko


not sure if contracts match, i added it through the salary ratio. everything worked out. hopefully thats the same

i dont watch spurs games either, but i know dyess gets more PT then blair, but still not an good amount. i believe blair doesnt get much pt due to bonner,timmy d, and dyess eating up the pt.
surprised coach pop finds an way to give blair 10mpg though.
Sorry man, I didn't find any ticket deals.

And we may have to include Portland in some sort of deal. With Oden down, I can see them taking Lee.

Problem is, they want to get rid of Miller. And the Knicks won't take that contract.
portland still have white gorilla, as their backup, but lee would fit good if they move LaM to the 5 and put lee in if they wanted to play small.
we'll gladly take rudy and blake to free up the minutes in the portlands wing
I really don't want today to end up to be one of those bad NY sports Sundays so I hope that the Knicks at least can win. This is exactly the type of gamethat the Knicks can lose easily though after playing fairly well against teams with good records this past week.

As far as people on the trading block and moves and all that, I'm really thinking D'Antoni & co got something planned to get rid of Nate andsomeone else (like Jeffries perhaps). It makes no damn sense otherwise to be shunning Nate like he has been doing. I didn't buy the "we're lookingto develop our young players" excuse when they turned down the Iverson deal and I'm not buying the somewhat sudden move by D'Antoni to focus moreon defense (which is basically the excuse he's using to not play Nate).

Aside from that he's made Nate a bit of a target/scapegoat by blowing some recent actions of his out of proportion. Once you start shunning a player likethat it's pretty much like saying 'we don't really need you."
Originally Posted by TheStephZone

we should go after Mike James, last year in his contract and the Wizards wanna trade him.
You think? I can't think of any better alternatives at the moment, but I don't think that would improve things much at all. Chris Duhon,as bad as he's been, has more productivity than someone like Mike James.

Knicks defense is asleep today.Starting to lose that parity and the Nets are actually making shots. Mann.....
you know, the core of GA, Caron, and Tawn hasnt been working out.
i think caron would be the best target since hes the youngest, but he's had an series of injuries.
i wouldnt mind giving them something like curry+jefferies+duhon+mobley for like blatche+caron+1st rounder
I don't want to sound like a broken record, but isn't it disconcerting that the Nets have scored their highest number of points in today's firsthalf yet D'Antoni continues to keep Nate from playing?

One can't help but think that there's definitely an agenda here and that the team's best interest is being compromised. Makes no sense to me.It's like D'Antoni would rather see this team struggle throughout most of the game and just possibly squeak a win in at the end than have the team playbetter with Nate in the game. Barely winning would make D'Antoni feel like he's actually doing the right thing (as well as feed his ego) despite itmaking it harder than necessary on the team.
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