
the hell was the ref doing.
I'm surprised I haven't seen THEGR8 post tonight...he usually has something to say when the Nets are involved lol

well, next game isn't until exactly a week from tonight...Start of the real nba season

This will most likely be one of the most craziest seasons in recent memory. Get ready for this wild ride
I'm hoping and praying for a 8th seed this year.. I just want to us to play on a court with a playoff logo on it
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

I'm surprised I haven't seen THEGR8 post tonight...he usually has something to say when the Nets are involved lol

well, next game isn't until exactly a week from tonight...Start of the real nba season

This will most likely be one of the most craziest seasons in recent memory. Get ready for this wild ride
If we can trade Curry and Jeffries I will go crazy
I gave up on trading curry, we will just ride out his contract. jefferies could be traded, especially if he keeps making those threes
currys rotting on the bench for sure.
and whoever we get in return for jefferies would most likely rot the bench too, along with hughes.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

I'm surprised I haven't seen THEGR8 post tonight...he usually has something to say when the Nets are involved lol

well, next game isn't until exactly a week from tonight...Start of the real nba season

This will most likely be one of the most craziest seasons in recent memory. Get ready for this wild ride
i rarely post in games but

we !@!@#+% lit them up 1st half... Duhon

You know you are garbage, when yall let Chris Duhon drop 17 in the 1st half

at Nate. %*@$ Bobby Simmons.

and yeah
at the replacement ref huggin Nate, 1st off it wasntTHAT bad, 2nd of all you just dont do that. I could just hear Nate, "Get the %*@$ off me dude, you know how much more i make than you?"

on an unrelated note can anyone pleeease post a link of that new Knicks commercial. If you watched the game you should know what im talking about cause it was

$*%* got me AMPED... "In this city there is one sport, and one house..." i dont remember exactly how it went but it was dopeee

if anyone can post that, much appreciated

EDIT: and forgot to mention but... Toney Douglas is the steal of the 2009 NBA Draft
I could care less about anything on the basketball court this year aside from Douglas, Gallo and Will's Development. Find a way to trade Jefferies for anexpiring contract. Jefferies needs to start period... D'antoni needs to find a way to make dude look like an all-star
Douglas was a good pick.. Anyone think he can start mid season over Duhon?
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

I missed it when they were talking about our roster.

so how many cuts do we need to make?

and nah i dont think douglas will take the startin position. but who knows what will happen down the line
midseason through yes.
i have a feeling, mike would do a lineup of Duhon-Chandler+Jefferies+Lee+Darko.
First off the bench, nate+al.
trade deadline comes, duhon+jefferies to any team needing a backup point+whatever they see in jefferies.
then hopefully, another trade like lee+hughes+curry for more bums.
Then, a lineup of Douglas-Chandler-Gallo-Lee-Darko.
Al, Hill, off the bench and whatever we get back in those two trades, who most likely would get benched.
yes im day dreaming, but hey why not
Originally Posted by BangDak

midseason through yes.
i have a feeling, mike would do a lineup of Duhon-Chandler+Jefferies+Lee+Darko.
First off the bench, nate+al.
trade deadline comes, duhon+jefferies to any team needing a backup point+whatever they see in jefferies.
then hopefully, another trade like lee+hughes+curry for more bums.
Then, a lineup of Douglas-Chandler-Gallo-Lee-Darko.
Al, Hill, off the bench and whatever we get back in those two trades, who most likely would get benched.
yes im day dreaming, but hey why not
ki like the trade ideas but i see no possible way that Al + Nate both come off the bench. If Duhon does start (which he most likely will) i stillsee Jeffries starting, but either way i do not see Darko starting on opening night. I can almost guarentee that wont happen. As he started ANY game thispreseason??? He may move in but no chance he will be taking the tip opening night, more of a defensive sub for Lee.

imo the most likely lineup for opening night is...
PG- Duhon
SG- Will
SF- Jeffries
PF- Al
C- Lee

if it wont be that it will be because D'Antoni thinks Nate earned the starting job, which i hope happens, but i doubt it. Other than that change i dont seeany way the rest of the lineup will. While Darko and Gallo are imo candidates to move ionto the lineup at some point later in the season... i highly doubteither one will be part of the 1st 5 out on October 28th...

any updates on finding a link for that commercial btw??? I've been looking ALL over for that...
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