
its over for Duhon
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Eddie House is so much more likable when he's not in a Celtics uniform.

I don't know... he still a prick to me but that could be just because the image of him in a celtics uni drillin threes from the corner still resignates with me....
Was Tracy rubbing his knee

OKC is going to be a SCARY 1st round matchup for whoever they get
Originally Posted by DMan14

boxscore shows tmac out of the gm?

knicks fans, how bad is duhon?
put it like this, I'll take Marbury eating vaseling and dancing to get closer to God over Duhon eating his Wheaties.

EDDIE #$%!%%$ HOUSE.
I still hate Eddie House...does the ball even touch his hands before he shoots it?
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