
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

last clip bangdak.

youtube is rolling over in its grave...

someone actually uploaded that garbage..what a waste of bandwidth
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

^^ to be honest i saw lebrons movie "more then a game"

and after watching that movie it looks like he aint leaving clevland at all, i still have hopes but this guy's heart is in cleveland and if u see the movie you know what i mean.

if his heart was in Cleveland he would root for ONE Cleveland sports team. not the yankees and cowboys and bulls.
if his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't run around with "NEW YORK" on his sneaker.
If his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't mess with the fans hearts and heads like he is at the moment. coming into the garden like "july 1st gonna be a big day. yall can sleep until then"

what the $+@$?
dude is all over the place. he has female tendencies

guy wants to live in ohio until he's 100 go on ahead. it ain't easy to get free agents in ohio. have fun with that. plus have fun with getting booed and heckled in new york until the knicks are good again and peopel forget about the flirting he did

the media is very fickle and will move on from lebron unless he is in the championship every year.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

youtube is rolling over in its grave...

someone actually uploaded that garbage..what a waste of bandwidth
Be quiet troll.

i stop by the knicks thread for a few laughs...like people uploading gallinari wobbling/hobbling pump fakes and jump shots

just goes to show what a sad state this franchise is in....

can only hope for the best this summer
Originally Posted by DubA169

HueyP in LouieV wrote:
There are some deep teams in the league and signing 2 max players this offseason does not automatically make us a championship team. We still need 2 more seasons and a few more parts.

the only deep teams in teh league are on the west and the magic. the east is hot trash. it would only be the magic and knicks fighting to go to the chip.

depending on what we do with currys contract during the season the knicks can be a championship contended in one season. JUST like the celtics

Last time I checked...you have to beat the Western Conference champs to win a championship.

Plus the Celts had 3 HoFer's, who perfectly complement each other, each with over 10 seasons under the belt, plus one of the best young PGs in the league and a roster full of talented young and veteran big bodies (Big Baby, Perk, Posey, PJ Brown)

We don't have any of that and are coming off of a decade of losing. You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you think we are winning a championship next season.

Lets be realistic for a second.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

^ Marbury is a good point guard.

he still has it and will always be one of the best point guard in my eyes. He can shoot, dribble, throw downtown 3s with ease, the only problem is his attitude but what you expect from a coney island dude. Them dudes grow up wit an attitude

If given the chance he can fit perfect in d antoni's system.
i love marbury...but dantoni feels otherwise
still cant believe how dirty we did marbury and him eating vasoline
we can contend for the championship. we can get there. win? probably not. it's hard to predict a future when we don't know who would be on teh team with bron and bosh.

bron is a damn beast and they don't call offensive fouls or travels on him. put him with bosh and tmac the rest fills out with veteran players. just gota use currys contract for some inside presence (ironic i know)
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

^^ to be honest i saw lebrons movie "more then a game"

and after watching that movie it looks like he aint leaving clevland at all, i still have hopes but this guy's heart is in cleveland and if u see the movie you know what i mean.

if his heart was in Cleveland he would root for ONE Cleveland sports team. not the yankees and cowboys and bulls.
if his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't run around with "NEW YORK" on his sneaker.
If his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't mess with the fans hearts and heads like he is at the moment. coming into the garden like "july 1st gonna be a big day. yall can sleep until then"

what the $+@$?
dude is all over the place. he has female tendencies

guy wants to live in ohio until he's 100 go on ahead. it ain't easy to get free agents in ohio. have fun with that. plus have fun with getting booed and heckled in new york until the knicks are good again and peopel forget about the flirting he did

the media is very fickle and will move on from lebron unless he is in the championship every year.

The media eats it up. He says things when were hes not in the spotlight. for instance not too long ago he said the bull are a great team and dangerous when healthy, and also said its a very intresting team to play with and also consider the possibility of joining..now do u really think he'll join the bulls? no and right after he said the media went and took it to the extreme. He hypes up the media when he's not in the spolight. He can tell all of us hes a NY fan and yada yada but words dont mean nothing untill July 1st.
Good looks Tommy.

Copped, you never have anything good to contribute. just leave if you're not going to contribute anything useful.

And, i dont want Manu. He's too injury prone. And IMO, if Gallo can develop as we would expect him, we wouldnt need Sugar Ray although i dont think he'll ever reach his potential. hopefully he proves me wrong.

And if our team was Douglas-Gallo-Bron-Lee-Camby

Sugar Ray-Chandler-Walker-big man, i would be more then happy.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

^^ to be honest i saw lebrons movie "more then a game"

and after watching that movie it looks like he aint leaving clevland at all, i still have hopes but this guy's heart is in cleveland and if u see the movie you know what i mean.

if his heart was in Cleveland he would root for ONE Cleveland sports team. not the yankees and cowboys and bulls.
if his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't run around with "NEW YORK" on his sneaker.
If his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't mess with the fans hearts and heads like he is at the moment. coming into the garden like "july 1st gonna be a big day. yall can sleep until then"

what the $+@$?
dude is all over the place. he has female tendencies

guy wants to live in ohio until he's 100 go on ahead. it ain't easy to get free agents in ohio. have fun with that. plus have fun with getting booed and heckled in new york until the knicks are good again and peopel forget about the flirting he did

the media is very fickle and will move on from lebron unless he is in the championship every year.

The media eats it up. He says things when were hes not in the spotlight. for instance not too long ago he said the bull are a great team and dangerous when healthy, and also said its a very intresting team to play with and also consider the possibility of joining..now do u really think he'll join the bulls? no and right after he said the media went and took it to the extreme. He hypes up the media when he's not in the spolight. He can tell all of us hes a NY fan and yada yada but words dont mean nothing untill July 1st.

hype didn't make him wear NEW YORK on his sneakers or a damn yankee fitted to and INDIANS game.
thats maaad disrespectful man.

and hype didn't make him sit in front of the media when he came to the garden and say "july 1st is gonna be a big day" he didn't say that anywhere else.

that's all i'm saying. HE put that stuff out there. i don't know him. i don't know about his loyalty or whatever but he can't blame the media for his own actions.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

^^ to be honest i saw lebrons movie "more then a game"

and after watching that movie it looks like he aint leaving clevland at all, i still have hopes but this guy's heart is in cleveland and if u see the movie you know what i mean.

if his heart was in Cleveland he would root for ONE Cleveland sports team. not the yankees and cowboys and bulls.
if his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't run around with "NEW YORK" on his sneaker.
If his heart was in Cleveland he wouldn't mess with the fans hearts and heads like he is at the moment. coming into the garden like "july 1st gonna be a big day. yall can sleep until then"

what the $+@$?
dude is all over the place. he has female tendencies

guy wants to live in ohio until he's 100 go on ahead. it ain't easy to get free agents in ohio. have fun with that. plus have fun with getting booed and heckled in new york until the knicks are good again and peopel forget about the flirting he did

the media is very fickle and will move on from lebron unless he is in the championship every year.

The media eats it up. He says things when were hes not in the spotlight. for instance not too long ago he said the bull are a great team and dangerous when healthy, and also said its a very intresting team to play with and also consider the possibility of joining..now do u really think he'll join the bulls? no and right after he said the media went and took it to the extreme. He hypes up the media when he's not in the spolight. He can tell all of us hes a NY fan and yada yada but words dont mean nothing untill July 1st.

hype didn't make him wear NEW YORK on his sneakers or a damn yankee fitted to and INDIANS game.
thats maaad disrespectful man.

and hype didn't make him sit in front of the media when he came to the garden and say "july 1st is gonna be a big day" he didn't say that anywhere else.

that's all i'm saying. HE put that stuff out there. i don't know him. i don't know about his loyalty or whatever but he can't blame the media for his own actions.

True but we all gonna blame him later when he says all this crap and decided to stay in cleveland or go somewhere else. If im not mistaken Cavaliers can offer the most money right?
As heartbreaking as it was for everyone not in Orlando to see the the LeBron and Kobe Finals matchup come crashing to an end, some New Yorkers feel that the chances of the Knicks acquiring the future best player of all time have actually increased. Other would contend that this hurts our chances.

There is a myriad of theories out there of why LeBron James will or won't sign on to be a New York Knick when he is eligible to be a free agent in the summer of 2010. Some theories make sense, some are just plain ******ed. You know your gonna get a little bit of both here.

Reasons why LeBron will be a Knick in 2010

1) He feels like the ownership in Cleveland isn't fully committed to surrounding him with enough talent to make it to the finals and go all the way. Kinda like taking a girl out to to a nice night on the town, dinner, dancing the whole shebang and then informing her that you live in your parents house and share a room with your 14 year old sister (sleep in a bunk bed) and that your sisters name is Zydrunas Ilgauskas.

2) His aspiration to become the first billionaire athlete consumes him so much that he must take the most realistic step in making that happen. Which is to play in the biggest city with the most potential to market himself. I can see him on a L.I.E. 3D billboard heading into the midtown tunnel already.

3) He feels that the Knicks will have better supporting talent and coaching staff in 2010 which is certainly possible if not very likely. The Knicks have a solid young nucleus of David Lee, Wilson Chandler, Danilo Gallinari. I think the fact that Mike Brown won Coach of the Year just solidifies the fact that it is the biggest joke of an award perhaps in professional sports. I think even Mike Brown would admit that Mike D'Antoni is a better coach than him.

4) The Cavs win a championship next year, the last remaining season Bron is under contract for, and feels satisfied enough to depart now that he gave the city something that they have been starving for since Lyndon B. Johnson was making apocryphal foreign affair decisions (I just go historical on yo +++ fool)

Reasons why LeBron will NOT be a Knick in 2010

1) Loyalty. He's an Akron boy. He grew up in the Cleveland area community, has a family here, and feels that it would be disrespectful to everyone that watched him grow up if he left for the bright lights of the big city.

2) He feels that it is absolutely imperative that he wins Cleveland a championship first before he leaves. If he doesn't win next year, then he will not leave because he owes it to them.

3) You may have saw recently that the Cavaliers organization sold a 15% stake of its team and arena to a Chinese business conglomerate. This means that LeBron will be offered the highest possible salary and also have access to a billion basketball obsessed consumers in a land you can get to if you dig a really, really, really, deep hole in your back yard.

4) The Knicks decide they are better off if they hire two big name stars ala Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh or Joe Johnson and Amare Stoudemire. It isn't out of the realm or possibilities to think that Donnie Walsh thinks that a duo of stars would give the Knicks the best chance to win a championship in the long run.
walker made a good point about bron. it's been said plenty of times. not hate, truth

i've also heard "bron won't drive at the end of games because he doesn't want to take the free throws"
Originally Posted by Spectacular23


if only one can dream
"You can't trick Knick fans for too long," Marbury said. "When things aren't put on the table from the beginning, it's difficult to go forward. Being a straight shooter is what it's about. If you can't be straight, people can't respect it. I have no more qualms with him but he's a BS artist."
Lol that was about Dantoni. The chances of him playing here next season is at .03%

Originally Posted by BangDak

And if our team was Douglas-Gallo-Bron-Lee-Camby

Sugar Ray-Chandler-Walker-big man, i would be more then happy.
Bosh is not happy in Toronto, If Bron comes to NY... I have no choice but to believe Bosh would come also. I honestly thought Bosh wouldn't leave TO until like a month ago.
If you list Bron in the lineup, list Bosh too ! Hoping he takes less than max... so we can resign Lee
first off just saw footage of gallanari in some junior high school in jamacia, Queens. always good to see athletes reach out to the community

2nd off heres something to think about

wade stays in MIA and recruits amare.... i don't see how lebron could stay in CLE with that "amazing" team. he will be screwed. he needs a 2nd star
Im not a fan of two max contracts. wasting half your team's salary on just two players. you cant just throw two stars a bunch of role players and say voila.
Yea same here, which is why i said hoping he'll take less than max

[h1]Melo Sees Cavs' Title Hopes Keeping LeBron In Cleveland[/h1]

Mar 28, 2010 2:05 PM EST

The Cavs' ability to win a championship is the decisive factor that will keep LeBron James in Cleveland, according to Carmelo Anthony.

Anthony does not believe that money and fame will lure James to sign with the Knicks.

"He's already got that. He's already got the money and the fame. I think the only thing weighing in right now is the championship."

Anthony elaborated on his answer a moment later.

"If he feels that he can win a championship in Cleveland, then he will stay. The team in Cleveland is that much better than the team in New York."

When asked if James had already made a decision, Anthony said, "No. Not at all, not at all, not even close."
[h1]Rodriguez Wants To Return To Knicks[/h1]
Mar 28, 2010 11:12 AM EST

Sergio Rodriguez wants to re-sign with the Knicks this summer, but he's also keeping open the possibility of returning to Spain.

Rodriguez had dinner with Alberto Herreros, Real Madrid's deputy director, after New York's game on Tuesday.

"We have good relationship, he came just to visit me and see how I was," Rodriguez said. "They haven't talked to my agent. It was friendly."

The Knicks have a $2.7 million option on Rodriguez's contract for the 2010-11 season.

"My first choice is to stay here to play for the Knicks," Rodriguez said. "I'm very happy I got traded to the Knicks. It was my wish for a long time. It's the first time I decide what I can do. It's going to be an important decision. I'm happy with the team. I wish I can play more."

Do we resign, Bill Walker, Sergio, & Giddens?
^ u can if its any two of: lebron+ bosh/amare or Wade + bosh/amare

i still can't believe the cavs didn't pull the trigger and trade for amare...lebron must've vetoed that after confront with shaq who obviously didn't want to lose his minutes
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Melo Sees Cavs' Title Hopes Keeping LeBron In Cleveland

Mar 28, 2010 2:05 PM EST

The Cavs' ability to win a championship is the decisive factor that will keep LeBron James in Cleveland, according to Carmelo Anthony.

Anthony does not believe that money and fame will lure James to sign with the Knicks.

"He's already got that. He's already got the money and the fame. I think the only thing weighing in right now is the championship."

Anthony elaborated on his answer a moment later.

"If he feels that he can win a championship in Cleveland, then he will stay. The team in Cleveland is that much better than the team in New York."

When asked if James had already made a decision, Anthony said, "No. Not at all, not at all, not even close."
I agree 100%.

Bron coming to NY all hinges on how the Cavs perform in the Playoffs.

If they make it to the Finals, go to 6/7 games and lose...it would be tough to see LeBron leaving that to start fresh but theres a possibilty that he'll be tired of falling short with that team and come to the Knicks...maybe. If they get outed in the EC semis or EC Finals...hes as good as gone.

 But if they win the chip...we might as well start looking elsewhere.
[h1]Stoudemire: 'Not A Big Fan' Of T-Mac[/h1]Mar 27, 2010 7:46 AM EST

Suns forward Amar'e Stoudemire isn't a fan of Knicks swingman Tracy McGrady.

"I'm not a big fan of Tracy McGrady -- as a person or as a player," Stoudemire said.

The big man has held a grudge against McGrady for once blowing him off when Stoudemire was in high school.

He added that the grudge wouldn't be a deal-breaker if New York re-signed McGrady and courted Stoudemire this summer.

"I think he's messing with you," McGrady said in response.

When told about McGrady's reply, Stoudemire said: "He didn't remember? I'm not surprised he doesn't remember that."
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