
good game, i like.
i dont understand, why these guys cant play like the 2nd half every game. seriously.

just watched the 1st half highlights on nba.com
the music is so JOKES!
it creates so much suspense....
Nov 18, 2009 7:32 PM EST

One team official from the New York Knicks said there is at least a 50-50 chance that the club will pursue Allen Iverson, but another source said that is even more likely.

"It's a given," said the person, who was not authorized by the team to discuss private deliberations. "They're going to make the biggest play for him."

The decision rests with the team president, Donnie Walsh, and ultimately with James Dolan, the Madison Square Garden chairman. There are strong indications that Coach Mike D'Antoni is already sold on the idea.

The Knicks declined to pursue Iverson this summer, believing that the roster was strong enough to win 35 to 40 games and contend for a playoff spot.

New York is now interested in Iverson out of a strong need, according to the source.

oh i see the time.
i rather see duhon+hughes shipped out before AI comes in though...
easier said then done i know.
a part of me wants nate out so douglas gets more burn as well.
I still want AI...Duhon never should play ever again. Just let Douglas Run the point guard starting AI at the 2 and then have Hughes off the bench.

Great to see us get a win finally.
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