21-year-old Morgan State student charged with killing, eating man's brain, heart

it's been a weird and disturbing week...this dude from Morgan eating hearts...the guy in Miami eating faces...somebody I went to school wit n one of my brother's main mans got killed and burned in a car rite by Morgan here in bmore...the porn star killer from Canada...something happened in Jersey i heard....ppl shooting ova kool aid...

all this crazy $%@+ making it seem real bad out here...and it ain't even summer yet, that's when bodies really drop in my city smh
Originally Posted by three6mafia

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07


Yall act like crazy people are somthing new.

Go ahead an keep prepping for a !@%+%+# Zombie Apocalypse

This.When "victims" start attacking emts and !+%+ starts going down at hospitals after people are pronounced "dead" then its time.These are just people off their rockers.Read the zombie survial guide
These are the stories that Brooks tells us to look out for though; to be able to identify where zombies are popping up. And so it seems the east coast is the start. Come at me, zombies.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by bjamez20

isnt this like the 3rd story like this this week? the hells going on out there?
What's going on is people are more aware of these kind of stories as of late... so they'll notice them and think they're connected. 

I could probably go back ten years from now and find a series of vaguely related events like this all happening around the same time and say it's something bigger than it is.

Kind of like this?

May 17th, 2012
In Hollywood, Florida twelve students and two teachers break out into a rash at MacArthur High School. HazMat is brought in but no cause of the outbreak is found. A video on Huffington Post on the story seems to have been taken down.

Full Story:

The Florida Public Health and Medical Department arrived at the school alongside fire departments. Those affected showered in an area set up outside the school before being transported in a plastic-lined school bus to Memorial Regional Hospital, reports the Miami Herald, where they walked through two inflatable halls by gender, showered again, and placed their clothing in orange bags.

May 19th, 2012
A still unknown chemical is released into the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Three TSA agents and two passengers are taken to the emergency room with respiratory problems.

May 24th, 2012
Lauderdale Lakes Middle school, approximately 15 miles from MacArthur High, is put on lock down and HazMat called in when two students and a science teacher come down with mysterious red rashes.

May 25th, 2012
A passenger aboard American Airlines flight 320 becomes disoriented upon landing in Miami, ignores flight crew instructions to remain in his seat and rushes the front of the plane before being subdued by fellow passengers. The man had no prior known history of violence.

May 25th, 2012
HazMat is called in for bus passengers headed to Minneola Charter Elementary in Minneola, Florida when 27 children and adults complain of not feeling well. Household cleaner used on the bus is blamed but all parties are still decontaminated with hoses by officials.

May 25th, 2012
An anesthesiologist is pulled over on the Central Florida Greenway by highway patrol for erratic driving. After failing a sobriety test, the doctor is placed into the back of a cop car where he becomes agitated and enraged, banging his head against the inside of the car until he bleeds and ends up spitting an entire mouthful of blood into the face of the arresting officer.

May 26th, 2012
On the MacArthur Causeway, 20 miles from where the mysterious rashes appeared on students less than two weeks before, a man is attacked and partially EATEN by a drug addict. When approached by police, the attacker merely growls and continues his grisly meal. Authorities end up unloading half a clip into the man before he falls dead the ground. The victim is still unconscious.

Link to these stories?
Originally Posted by frshstunna

it's been a weird and disturbing week...this dude from Morgan eating hearts...the guy in Miami eating faces...somebody I went to school wit n one of my brother's main mans got killed and burned in a car rite by Morgan here in bmore...the porn star killer from Canada...something happened in Jersey i heard....ppl shooting ova kool aid...

all this crazy $%@+ making it seem real bad out here...and it ain't even summer yet, that's when bodies really drop in my city smh
this. bodymore
it's gonna be a hot summer

I'm being completely serious here... people do not regularly eat other people. When it happens once we usually hear about it.

It is seriously scary that all this is happening, even if it's not zombie-related.

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