24: Live Another Day Thread | Mondays 9PM EST on FOX

i liked this show in the first and the first half of the second  season, then it just got stale.. i felt like the episodes moved too slow, the cliffhangers were made for the sake of having cliffhangers (no point in having them), and they only established one character, jack bauer. all the other characters either left after merely ONE season, or they were killed off. it was ridiculous man. the first season was very fresh, i hadnt seen anything like it, it was unique and suspenseful. then, things just got stale. one of the worst shows i have ever watched
have you even seen breaking bad or the walking dead? or wwe monday night raw? hell, even Arrow.. tons of shows better than this
There is a big difference between favorite and Best/GOAT/w.e.
Can't wait.  Favorite show of all time. 
have you even seen breaking bad or the walking dead? or wwe monday night raw? hell, even Arrow.. tons of shows better than this
When you wrote that 24 was one of the worst shows you have ever watched, I made the decision not to respond to you.  But since you decided to quote me, I will now make it known that I have no interest in carrying on a conversation with you. 

Moving on......
The Walking Dead better than 24 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Jack is back :smokin , can't wait for tonight. Have tried to stay away from almost all news related to this season, only know about Audrey, her dad and Chloe.
do yourself a favor and go back and watch the earlier seasons, that way you'll gain an appreciation for the greatness of jack bauer. i really doubt this season will be anything close to what 24 was like 10 years ago.
I got a lot of shows on my plate to catch up on. I'm gonna add this show to the list as well.
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