24+ y/o NTers, give some advice to us younger NTers

Nov 20, 2010
Anything you want share really, things you wish you had done earlier, random advice, things to avoid etc. 
Remove all doubt and negativity from your life, be confident, and never let fear dictate what rode you walk upon.
Wear a condom
If you plan on doing something, do it now!! Don't procastinate if you do you'll see your youth fly right bye you
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Remove all doubt and negativity from your life, be confident, and never let fear dictate what rode you walk upon.

yeah but...rode...
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Remove all doubt and negativity from your life, be confident, and never let fear dictate what rode you walk upon.

did you end up buying sonic the hedgchog?
Will be checking this thread in the near future... NT dropping knowledge is always appreciated 
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Remove all doubt and negativity from your life, be confident, and never let fear dictate what rode you walk upon.

yeah but...rode...
its not as bad as MayaR049 asking if there are footlocker coupons that wood work
-Im 32. Do not party your early 20's away. Go hard in school and sacrifice some to make sure you're good out of school. There is still so much more left after 22-25 and you will be able to do it so much better, kinda on a more real life level.

-Do not allow youself to get caught up in an unexpected pregnancy.

-Do not accumulate unnecessary debt early on.

-If school is not your route then spend this time specializing and establishing some credibility in some area.
When you go to college, if people say you don't NEED the textbook. BUY IT ANYWAY.


Be confident in yourself. You'll soon see, you defeat yourself more than others defeat you.

If she didn't want you when you wanted her. Stop chasing her.

Procrastination and Fear go hand in hand.
Work hard now, you will not have to work as hard later in life.
If you are in college, make sure you finish.

Try your hardest to wait until your married to have kids. (My number 1 rule)

If you find that one woman that holds you down no matter what, keep her. There are a TON of sluts out there, they can hide it very well. 
Take risk. It ALWAYS pays off.

Save, save, save. You may think sneakers are all that matters right now but financial freedom is =-O

Be social. Network with as many people as possible and BE YOURSELF.

There's A LOT more but coming from a 26 yr old who been living in NYC alone since 17 enjoy your life.
listen to ur gut...stick with ur decisions...forget what older people say when they criticize you on you being you and walk w/ confidence
Originally Posted by CHiCHiLOVES5s

Don't get too complacent. Keep progressing. Kick loser friends to the curb.
Don't get complacent!
Don't get complacent!
Don't get complacent!
Don't get complacent!

Never let fear get in the way of going for your dreams & goals. If you're passionate enough about it, there's no way you'll fail.

and don't take your health for granted.
Originally Posted by scshift

I'm in

OP I thought you were a college grad though?

Nah lol, I'm only 18.. But I'm unemployed and my Dad said he's not paying a cent for my college, and he's kicking me out in 3 weeks so I gotta do what I gotta do
eat good, you look good, when you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you do good.

SLEEP is so very important
if there is no pain, there is no gain.
Keep your future in mind when making a decision. Like wearing a condom and being connected with the mother and child for longer than you planned.

Go after what you want instead of standing around wondering what if. Daydreaming about what if's is when you had the opportunity to actually KNOW what could have been is for suckers.

Put people that don't respect you or hold you back at a distance.

Think for yourself. When others think for you they believe that they control you.

Anything situation specific?
do what makes you happy. meaning make your passion a big part of your life.  it could be your real job or volunteer work but do it.  you will live a happier life. 

don't settle.  women, job, or anything.  too many people settle and take the easy way out.  hustle hard you will feel much better.

find a down chick and love her.  chasing that dime will not always result in happiness.  you might find a halle berry that has a perfect personality but its unlikely.

save money.  no matter how you do it.  a percentage of each check, a certain dollar amount or whatever but don't ever be flat broke.

give back.  give advice, give time, give whatever you can to those younger, less fortunate, or in need.  these types of deeds come full circle and will help you in ways you don't see coming.

buy a suit.

finish college as soon as possible and your GPA matters.  Them thirsty thursdays take a toll on them grades if you not careful.

dont be materialistic....i love shoes but I wont sacrifice paying a bill, food, or anything more important for a pair of shoes, a Northface, or some brand name thing.  Trust me it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.  That's over after high school.

Stay in shape.  Don't get fat its sad to see young people put on weight from being lazy.  3 times a week will prevent you from putting on unwanted LBS.
SAVE. If you can save at least 30% of what you earn.
And when I say save. I mean put it up somewhere(bank, dollar box, etc) and forget about it, like you never had it.
If you can do this, you will look up one day and have 10- 20 thousand saved in no time.
posting for later. I'm 20 and I already have a huge amount of debt and I have a 2 year old daughter. Getting my stuff together though. Going to school trying to get that degree.
. If I could turn back time I would change so much. That's life though.
Originally Posted by viiheaven

Originally Posted by CHiCHiLOVES5s

Don't get too complacent. Keep progressing. Kick loser friends to the curb.
Don't get complacent!
Don't get complacent!
Don't get complacent!
Don't get complacent!

Never let fear get in the way of going for your dreams & goals. If you're passionate enough about it, there's no way you'll fail.

and don't take your health for granted.
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