3 Teens kill Australian man.. Vol. Just because

I wonder if in the past events such as these were studied by people in the past, not recent past like 50 years but much before. Is killing in this or any other non personal matter just another human thing, like what drives this.
had they been reversed and it was 3 white men and 1 black man, best believe CNN,FOX,NBC,ABC,ESPN 30 for 30,NEWSROOM would all have episodes/debates/shows/rallies for it. i bet you if the dude who got killed was black, they wouldnt have done it to him. either they are sociopaths or just plain ******ed. and something tells me they are both.
probably masturbating in their own feces while reading Guns & Ammo
had they been reversed and it was 3 white men and 1 black man, best believe CNN,FOX,NBC,ABC,ESPN 30 for 30,NEWSROOM would all have episodes/debates/shows/rallies for it. i bet you if the dude who got killed was black, they wouldnt have done it to him. either they are sociopaths or just plain ******ed. and something tells me they are both.

**** is still sad no matter how you look at.
Lets follow this and see how many of those damn bleeding heart activist speak on their behalf. Some people are just beyond reformation and rehabilitation, and don't deserve to be given a chance.

THe problem is that the people are getting younger, and it draws sympathy. For them to admit to killing this young man for such an asinine reason just shows where these people are mentally. Age doesn't mean anything, some adults act like children, and some teens are very mature. They don't deserve any chances and their lives should be ended ASAP.
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not surprised. at all.

Regardless of race and location - this generation is the most socially maladjusted, least educated, laziest group around.

For every good kid out there raised right trying to do well - there will be 3 kids who will twerk, shoot people, then go home and tweet about it and post pictures of it on instagram.

Im 25. I hate kids born in the mid to late 90s and above. Saddens me to see how weak they have become.
so when I read where it happened and the motive, I just knew they weren't black...and then you post these three monsters.

nothing to do huh

no basketball, no baseball, not football, no ps3, no xbox, no girls, no fapping, no drinking, no swimming, no school shopping, no weed

then the law protects them from the death penalty....they should not only serve life sentences, they should be thrown in the hole for the rest of their pitiful lives to love in a permanent state of "nothing to do"

all three of those mothers shoulda swallowed or aborted

RIP to the victim, totally undeserving of this ending. I couldn't even imagine what that must feel like.
Reminds me of something that happened around here a couple years ago.

An Austrailian guy was visiting to do some kind of research at the campus. He left a downtown bar and a bunch of young kids snatched him up, threw him in a van and drove out into the country. They all beat him, while dancing around, laughing in his face telling him that they were going to kill him. They were enjoying it.

They beat him almost to death and left him naked in a barn. Slept there, found a tarp and found the highway. A bunch of people just kept driving by. He was covered in blood, swollen and wrapped in a tarp with no shoes in the snow and people just kept going.


****es sustained brain damage, a broken nose, broken eye socket, broken vertebrae, frost-bitten toes, nine broken teeth and months of lost work and terrifying nightmares.

"They were laughing and jumping around and appeared to be having a good time," he said, describing how he tried to cover his head and face with his arms and hands.

also pleaded with them by telling them I am a father and I have young children. This only made them laugh harder and it seemed to spur them on even more with the attack continuing again afterwards. ... I have a memory of one of them saying how they were going to kill me," ****es wrote.

he headed to the road where he estimated 100 cars went by, some slowing to stare at him
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I thought this happened in Australia at first. Smh. My People my people. They should be tortured.
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