3 teens posted taped sex assaults of girl, 12, on Facebook

gonna let charlie manson crash?  gonna let ol boy from Boston bombings split a spliff with y'all on the porch?  NOPE.  gimme a break duder.  
Oh boy, you must go to the highest extremes in order to feel like a winner. Good for you, 'duder.'
That is really messed up, I mean seriously, sick. And I do understand the argument, that the parents should be blamed and the environment, yes of course it should, that is the root of the problems. But alongside that on no moral grounds should a young man of any descent come to the conclusion that rape is morally acceptable. I refuse to believe that 16 year olds don't have the common sense within them to not commit such a terrible deed....

why is depression a health problem? I honestly hate **** like trhat. Okay if you're overly depressed and your world is crumbling around you, fine.. But science tries to put too much emphasis on "normal" Different people are made up of different personalities, bodies, chemistry.

And i def fit in the stereotype of thinking depression is a personal weakness whenever I'm feeling down, which isn't really often but still.

I think there is a huge misunderstanding and maybe a change within terminology regarding the word depression. People throw the term around so much, for the smallest things, that now in many cases they simply refer to depression as a synonym of feeling blue or being in a bad mood, or being sad. But on contrary the word itself means something a lot more, than feeling down and the reason they refer to it as mental illness is, because it has numerous symptoms, which are not derived from this mental state, such as insomnia, excessive sleep, fatigue, physical pain etc. And indeed it is something that if isn't taken seriously can lead to clinical depression, which is far even more serious.

I do agree with you, that science tries to over categorize most things and we are all different, but this state should be acknowledged and be treated properly if possible, which sometimes can easily be done by friends and/or family, but overlooking it or making the person suffering from it seem weak, will lead to the escalation of his/her state.
What I'm wondering is why her a lil 12 year old *** was going to see the 16 year old dude to "to talk to him"? Probably was a lil **** in the first place. Not saying that means she deserved what happened to her but it is what it is.

please do not post again until you come to your senses
Oh boy, you must go to the highest extremes in order to feel like a winner. Good for you, 'duder.'
You didn't answer the question nor address the rest of my post with any sort of coherent response so yea..I'm winning right now. Would you let ol boy from down the street, prone to make bad decisions and just got out of a three year bid come crash at your house?  
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I mean dudes parents named him SCANDALe...whatchu 'spect
So rape is innate now? That's news to me. Pure ignorance. I feel bad for you
Where are they learning this behavior is the question? These kids are mentally conditioned to act out this way ARBITRARILY. Judges and state are quick to hand out jail time. How about handing out out reach for the kids. Clearly there is something wrong in the community if they felt it was okay to video tape it and act out. Same with that Lil JoJo kid.

They a confined to the corners of the ghetto and don't see life outside of it being part of their world. That's the real problem. But no one wants to fix that.

Just keep locking up black men at exponential rates and using them as statistics. 
Originally Posted by TommyIceRocking  

so your going to use this statement for the Castro rape case?
Dude was doesn't suffer from mental illness, seeing that he was entrusted to drive a the community's children to school. However dude is a menace, he threatened to kill his step daughters, knocked his wife's teeth out and dislocated her shoulder. He was a bad person and wasn't a CHILD either. This man was in his early 40's when.

We're talking 16 year old kids who most likely come from unstable homes with no parental guidance and fearful of gang violence. 
Chicago and Detroit seem like terrible places.
i live in chicago, particularly the englewood neighborhood and it is most certainly a terrible terrible place. things like rape and murder happen every single day around here. its normal. growing up people use to fight...a lot. not just regular fights im talking about brawls...rumbles g. boys girls old people everybody. pretty much everyone i know has fled chicago. the young people here have no type of guidance. they are LOST. all they know how to do is "smoke loud" and "murk opps"
. the level of crime in this city is unbelievable brah. the mayor, the chief of police even the governor(who is usually based in chicago) senators representatives aldermen...all con-men and crooks. the only reason the murder rate is so low is because the way homicides are recorded here. if i slap the s*** out of you then blast you its a aggravated battery. and also in 2013 the police pretty much dont have to come if you call them. they only have to patrol now. and they are the ones giving these kids guns. they give them guns and then lock them up because they have to make so many gun arrest in a certain amount of time. s*** is all kinds of f***** up here. no hope. and the white people you encounter are extremely racist. mexican cartels are rampant here as well. they control the entire drug game.
Back in the days, our parents used to take care of us 

Look at em now, they even ****** scared of us 

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Now and days once these lil dudes hit 15, and ain't nobody tried to guide them in the right direction, and they moms ain't care what they did their a lost cause.

I grew up with a lot of dudes, who were really good people, but they never had a chance like they were born to lose, and ended up falling into that lifestyle.
  I hope these little punks get life in prison.   Man the youth today is so messed up.    They didn't even care. They thought it would be cool to claim their gang on video while they raped a 12 year old.  
i live in chicago, particularly the englewood neighborhood and it is most certainly a terrible terrible place. things like rape and murder happen every single day around here. its normal. growing up people use to fight...a lot. not just regular fights im talking about brawls...rumbles g. boys girls old people everybody. pretty much everyone i know has fled chicago. the young people here have no type of guidance. they are LOST. all they know how to do is "smoke loud" and "murk opps"
. the level of crime in this city is unbelievable brah. the mayor, the chief of police even the governor(who is usually based in chicago) senators representatives aldermen...all con-men and crooks. the only reason the murder rate is so low is because the way homicides are recorded here. if i slap the s*** out of you then blast you its a aggravated battery. and also in 2013 the police pretty much dont have to come if you call them. they only have to patrol now. and they are the ones giving these kids guns. they give them guns and then lock them up because they have to make so many gun arrest in a certain amount of time. s*** is all kinds of f***** up here. no hope. and the white people you encounter are extremely racist. mexican cartels are rampant here as well. they control the entire drug game.
I just saw a documentary about the drug cartels in the Chi last night on CBS.     There making the Chi one of their strongholds in our country.    A old man was video tapping drug deals for a year and the police still didn't arrest the guys even though he had video evidence.    Growing up in Southwest Michigan I have tons of friends who's families fled the Chi from all of the violence over the years.    It's sad that they only solve about 25% of the murders and drug overdoses last year alone were more then murders and people dying in car accidents combined.  
i live in chicago, particularly the englewood neighborhood and it is most certainly a terrible terrible place. things like rape and murder happen every single day around here. its normal. growing up people use to fight...a lot. not just regular fights im talking about brawls...rumbles g. boys girls old people everybody. pretty much everyone i know has fled chicago. the young people here have no type of guidance. they are LOST. all they know how to do is "smoke loud" and "murk opps":smh: . the level of crime in this city is unbelievable brah. the mayor, the chief of police even the governor(who is usually based in chicago) senators representatives aldermen...all con-men and crooks. the only reason the murder rate is so low is because the way homicides are recorded here. if i slap the s*** out of you then blast you its a aggravated battery. and also in 2013 the police pretty much dont have to come if you call them. they only have to patrol now. and they are the ones giving these kids guns. they give them guns and then lock them up because they have to make so many gun arrest in a certain amount of time. s*** is all kinds of f***** up here. no hope. and the white people you encounter are extremely racist. mexican cartels are rampant here as well. they control the entire drug game.


We look at other countries crimes and yet in our own backyard we have some of the illest ish goin on. Don't let small towns fool you either, there may not be the killing but everything else including rampant incest even kids on kids is unreal.
Where does it say he doesn't?

He was entrusted to drive the school bus, because he left a child on the bus when he left the School Bus back at the lot.

2 of 3, were already on probation, and only god knows what else they did....you know the hood motto "Stop Snitching".....

Malcolm X became a different man after prison, and so did OG Bobby Johnson....throw these ****heads in prison
I do applaud Malcolm's contribution but he found Islam is prison because there usually isn't ANYTHING else to find. Some people get desperate and search for anything to keep them from breaking mentally. I got friends who've done 5-10 years and came out the same. I've had friends who found God in county jail on a 30 day sentence. Scared straight.

Ariel Castro is a menace, he's from Puerto Rico, a tourist island. It's not like he's from Medellin ...places like Medellin are NO DIFFERENT than Chicago.
Ungoverned communities that evade the law on guerrilla levels using children as shields. So corrupt and disenfranchised that criminals are allowed to thrive and govern the land because of the political-economic advantages the crime brings. In Chicago it feeds the judicial systems and keeps law enforcement employed.

You can see this on the larger scale in places like Pakistan. Trying to democratize the country would cost us more money than declare war through allies and rape the country for whatever we can and siphon the resources into productive parts of our nation.

Truly is sad. 
 ...you telling me ALL these kids are born EVIL and should rot in jail? Or do you see scared little boys
that feel they must project hardened personas to escaped suspicion of being indifferent and possibly KILLED?

Imagine these kids throwing up GBE screaming three hunna, skur' rockin' dread...there's not difference, people
have no compassion for black youth because they are oblivious to the conditions in which they live.

So they "speculate" about the magnitude of these conditions from their perspective, in their SAFE suburban SEGREGATED area...again this ties in with some of the stuff I dropped in the "appalling apt thread about nowhere USA".
I do applaud Malcolm's contribution but he found Islam is prison because there usually isn't ANYTHING else to find. Some people get desperate and search for anything to keep them from breaking mentally. I got friends who've done 5-10 years and came out the same. I've had friends who found God in county jail on a 30 day sentence. Scared straight.

Ariel Castro is a menace, he's from Puerto Rico, a tourist island. It's not like he's from Medellin ...places like Medellin are NO DIFFERENT than Chicago.
Ungoverned communities that evade the law on guerrilla levels using children as shields. So corrupt and disenfranchised that criminals are allowed to thrive and govern the land because of the political-economic advantages the crime brings. In Chicago it feeds the judicial systems and keeps law enforcement employed.

You can see this on the larger scale in places like Pakistan. Trying to democratize the country would cost us more money than declare war through allies and rape the country for whatever we can and siphon the resources into productive parts of our nation.

Truly is sad. 
 ...you telling me ALL these kids are born EVIL and should rot in jail? Or do you see scared little boys
that feel they must project hardened personas to escaped suspicion of being indifferent and possibly KILLED?

Imagine these kids throwing up GBE screaming three hunna, skur' rockin' dread...there's not difference, people
have no compassion for black youth because they are oblivious to the conditions in which they live.

So they "speculate" about the magnitude of these conditions from their perspective, in their SAFE suburban SEGREGATED area...again this ties in with some of the stuff I dropped in the "appalling apt thread about nowhere USA".
I understand your point but they committed rape by gun point and then posted it for the world to see.   No matter how they were raised that's not an excuse for what they did and they deserve life in prison.  It doesn't matter if they were white kids.  They would deserve life in prison.  Anyone who rapes kids whether their kids or not deserve life in prison. 
    I have homeboys who's never met their pops and their mom is crackhead who would have sex with anyone to get high.   They didn't turn out like that and their from them same streets of Chicago as these losers.
I understand your point but they committed rape by gun point and then posted it for the world to see.   No matter how they were raised that's not an excuse for what they did and they deserve life in prison.  It doesn't matter if they were white kids.  They would deserve life in prison.  Anyone who rapes kids whether their kids or not deserve life in prison.  :smh:     I have homeboys who's never met their pops and their mom is crackhead who would have sex with anyone to get high.   They didn't turn out like that and their from them same streets of Chicago as these losers.

You're missing the point, even South-Side Chicago's white trash has exposure to civilized lifestyle choices. You gotta understand some black communities have remained stagnant since "The Great Migration".

A nation of uneducated people expect to teach themselves.

I know it's hard to believe but there have been anthropology studies done that prove this to be true.
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I just saw a documentary about the drug cartels in the Chi last night on CBS.     There making the Chi one of their strongholds in our country.    A old man was video tapping drug deals for a year and the police still didn't arrest the guys even though he had video evidence.    Growing up in Southwest Michigan I have tons of friends who's families fled the Chi from all of the violence over the years.    It's sad that they only solve about 25% of the murders and drug overdoses last year alone were more then murders and people dying in car accidents combined.  
the cartels are really sophisticated and surgical with they s***. they never get bumped off and rarely have any kind of static. they look like regular middle aged meican men except on the weekends when they dress up like cowboys and ride around in escalades and hummers on 30's. yea that old man was videotapping people on the westside. the westside has a staggering amount of drug addicts so all people over there really care about is drug dealing and not going to jail. they wont kill that dude cause they dont want any extra attention....but if he did that s*** over here on the southside he would surely get murdered and they would probably burn down his house.
i live in chicago, particularly the englewood neighborhood and it is most certainly a terrible terrible place. things like rape and murder happen every single day around here. its normal. growing up people use to fight...a lot. not just regular fights im talking about brawls...rumbles g. boys girls old people everybody. pretty much everyone i know has fled chicago. the young people here have no type of guidance. they are LOST. all they know how to do is "smoke loud" and "murk opps":smh: . the level of crime in this city is unbelievable brah. the mayor, the chief of police even the governor(who is usually based in chicago) senators representatives aldermen...all con-men and crooks. the only reason the murder rate is so low is because the way homicides are recorded here. if i slap the s*** out of you then blast you its a aggravated battery. and also in 2013 the police pretty much dont have to come if you call them. they only have to patrol now. and they are the ones giving these kids guns. they give them guns and then lock them up because they have to make so many gun arrest in a certain amount of time. s*** is all kinds of f***** up here. no hope. and the white people you encounter are extremely racist. mexican cartels are rampant here as well. they control the entire drug game.


We look at other countries crimes and yet in our own backyard we have some of the illest ish goin on. Don't let small towns fool you either, there may not be the killing but everything else including rampant incest even kids on kids is unreal.

This has always been puzzling to me. We're always running to protect other countries, yet can't protect our own. Pretty sad.
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