3 teens posted taped sex assaults of girl, 12, on Facebook

why is depression a health problem? I honestly hate **** like trhat. Okay if you're overly depressed and your world is crumbling around you find. But science tries to put too much emphasis on "normal" Different people are made up of different personalities, bodies, chemistry.

And i def fit in the stereotype of thinking depression is a personal weakness whenever I'm feeling down, which isn't really often but still.
Depression is not a health issue, it is an emotion. We all feel it at one point or another. There is certain types of depression that can be seen as health issues though, and that's called clinical depression. Where it is so bad, a doctor needs to intervene. Preferably a therapist, since psychiatrists are demons.
 nope, nope sorry fellas i'm not co-signing this environment/racial stuff.  i grew up hard and i know some mean cats and those dudes would beat the snuff outta these boys if they even brought the idea of rape up.  ain't nobody feelin sorry for ted bundy even though that guy grew up hard too, no daddy, until he was in his 20's he thought his ****** mom was his sister, was abused and all that mess but at the end of the day he was also smart, a go-getter and could have made something of himself.  he had the choice and chose poorly.  so did these kids.  they knew that ish was wrong and the color of their skin has nothing to do with the choices they made.  i'll never give a pass to anybody who does something wrong based on their race or their surroundings....you have a choice, always.  
I should post everything I feel before I contradict myself for the sake of argument. 

These kids need to go to prison. That is a given. What they did was wrong, and they need to learn that. However, there is a point where prison does not help, but it actually makes the situation worse. After a few months, most prisoners are genuinely sorry and ready to leave the prison. The prison system tends to keep people in for years though. After about a year, that feeling of genuine caring turns into anger and hostility. They don't feel sorry about their crime anymore, but more angry that someone stopped them for it. So when they are finally released, they go out and do more crimes simply out of spite. Landing them back in jail, starting the cycle over again. 

If the prison system changed making sentences shorter and adding mandatory therapy and rehab, well these problems would cease. As well as stop locking people up so much for small drug charges. Instead of jail time, make it mandatory rehab. Fix their drug problems instead of making them worse. So the prisons will not be filled with a bunch of druggies, but filled with actual criminals. 

As for this situation in particular, the kids learned there criminal behavior from someone. Whether it be family, friends, environment, or all three, they learned it somewhere. That behavior needs to be treated in therapy, as well as some prison time like I mentioned above.

People are too caught up in the "they did something wrong, they need to be locked up forever!" mentality. You don't realize that you are just making it worse than it already is. 
Nomad, I wouldn't say it is exactly a racial problem. It is a cultural problem, which is dominated by blacks. There are whites, hispanics, and other races that are in the same box. Other than that, I generally agree with you.
I agree but I posted those statistics to show groups recognize and seek help. Blacks do not have access to mental health care therefore it goes undiagnosed.

Other mental illnesses like schizophrenia usually have depression as one of the symptoms...I believe ghetto violence is a preemptive reaction to mass hysteria. Kill or be killed. Because they believe it is no other way.

Meanwhile judicial systems THRIVE off of statistics and not personal cases of the carnage which may have been a catalyst in the crime.

Can you image going to school like this EVERYDAY? I personally did in the 90's-2000's  when there wasn't any social network coverage and this was America's dark secret. I can't tell how many kids I've known who are dead themselves or in jail for killing other kids out of FEAR. 

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Where are they learning this behavior is the question? These kids are mentally conditioned to act out this way ARBITRARILY. Judges and state are quick to hand out jail time. How about handing out out reach for the kids. Clearly there is something wrong in the community if they felt it was okay to video tape it and act out. Same with that Lil JoJo kid.

They a confined to the corners of the ghetto and don't see life outside of it being part of their world. That's the real problem. But no one wants to fix that.
Just keep locking up black men at exponential rates and using them as statistics. 

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:lol:  you're some kinda trolling savant bruh, gotta hand it to ya

What did he say that's untrue though?
Yall really feel sympathy for those dudes..**** wrong with yall
Not sympathy, understanding of how the mind works. 

People like yourself are stuck in the "jail for life" mentality and making situations worse than they are to start with. 
What did he say that's untrue though?
he's blaming the community for those kids' actions bruh bruh.  i expect to see that community with errbody raping up a storm and yet.....somehow i don't think that's happening.  he's doing what's hot right now, puttin the blame on everything else EXCEPT the ones who did it!  how the **** do y'all not see what's wrong with that?
he's blaming the community for those kids' actions bruh bruh.  i expect to see that community with errbody raping up a storm and yet.....somehow i don't think that's happening.  he's doing what's hot right now, puttin the blame on everything else EXCEPT the ones who did it!  how the **** do y'all not see what's wrong with that?

I blame Obama
Not sympathy, understanding of how the mind works. 

People like yourself are stuck in the "jail for life" mentality and making situations worse than they are to start with. 
lemme tell you a story.  there's a friend of the family who got convicted of child molestation and he did it.  he was a child therapist and molested a ton of his clients and finally one brave little chick came forward.  dude did a year and was seen to be 'rehabbed'.  they let him out and now he's living in balto county with the ankle bracelet and yada yada.  we tried to get him moved into this one neighborhood but people found out he was a child molester and wanted him nowhere near their area.  you blame 'em?  we had to damn near call the cops - how ironic.  so we got him moved into this new place.  every day he gets threats, every day people make sure to point him out if he comes outside.  he can't even get a job at a funeral home.  life outside for these guys is nowhere near the dream scenario you're trying to put forth here.

oh yea by the way, this guy is the whitest white to ever white the white and he grew up with that silver spoon.  environment/community my ***.  
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People like myself...I dnt know who raised yall to be suckas but they deserved to be slapped..name one community where they say its cool to rape chicks...you got some issues buddy if you can relate to them
lemme tell you a story.  there's a friend of the family who got convicted of child molestation and he did it.  he was a child therapist and molested a ton of his clients and finally one brave little chick came forward.  dude did a year and was seen to be 'rehabbed'.  they let him out and now he's living in balto county with the ankle bracelet and yada yada.  we tried to get him moved into this one neighborhood but people found out he was a child molester and wanted him nowhere near their area.  you blame 'em?  we had to damn near call the cops - how ironic.  so we got him moved into this new place.  every day he gets threats, every day people make sure to point him out if he comes outside.  he can't even get a job at a funeral home.  life outside for these guys is nowhere near the dream scenario you're trying to put forth here.
And it shouldn't be! The hell type of argument you was tryna make?! :smh:
Yall really feel sympathy for those dudes..**** wrong with yall
If it was an isolated incident then NO, but there's millions of cases like these occurring in the ghetto that go undocumented.

It's a wide spread problem.

Have you ever watched "Chariots of the Gods"? It shows how Aliens or PERCEPTIONS of what people believed to be "Gods" influenced an ENTIRE society's way of life. 

These kids BELIEVE this type of life is acceptable because of limited exposure outside the confines of the ghetto. It's really like a zoo or jungle.

When I visit my peeps still there and see some of their behavior (i.e. punching 3 year olds in the chest "blowing their chest out", dog fighting, letting kids scrap, kids dancing in inappropriate music) I think to myself "damn, I made it out and one piece, I'm proud of myself". But some aren't as lucky as me or mentally acute to acquire foresight or better judgment even anger management.

It's ACCEPTED, just look at any form of black media that is celebrated with praise... The gun wielding grandma from Tyler Perry movies. Or Monique basing her whole schtick off being a "big woman" until she was confronted with diabetes and other ailments that can be avoided by preventative medicine. Instead celebrate unhealthy diets as part of our "culture".
What did he say that's untrue though?
he's blaming the community for those kids' actions bruh bruh.  i expect to see that community with errbody raping up a storm and yet.....somehow i don't think that's happening.  he's doing what's hot right now, puttin the blame on everything else EXCEPT the ones who did it!  how the **** do y'all not see what's wrong with that?
I did not say community. I said environment. Two completely different things. The community is simply a subgroup of environment. You obviously did not comprehend what I said, which is that the kids deserve prison time, but they also need rehab. Because this behavior is not innate, it is learned. You are not born with intent to rape and video tape people. Simple fact which was proven since we found Genie. So when it boils down, they learned it somewhere. Which does not make it entirely their fault. In other words, good kid mad city. Are the kids wrong for their actions? Hell yes. But the behavior itself is not entirely their doing. 
Not sympathy, understanding of how the mind works. 

People like yourself are stuck in the "jail for life" mentality and making situations worse than they are to start with. 
lemme tell you a story.  there's a friend of the family who got convicted of child molestation and he did it.  he was a child therapist and molested a ton of his clients and finally one brave little chick came forward.  dude did a year and was seen to be 'rehabbed'.  they let him out and now he's living in balto county with the ankle bracelet and yada yada.  we tried to get him moved into this one neighborhood but people found out he was a child molester and wanted him nowhere near their area.  you blame 'em?  we had to damn near call the cops.  so we got him moved into this new place.  every day he gets threats, every day people make sure to point him out if he comes outside.  he can't even get a job at a funeral home.  life outside for these guys is nowhere near the dream scenario you're trying to put forth here.
Which exactly what I stated before. This guy was a criminal, and he went to jail and was given rehab. As far as I have heard, he has yet to molest more children. Which is more important, to you? Him molesting children, or trying to be a better citizen? 

I meant it when I said people need to get over the whole "you did wrong, so you will be in jail forever." mentality. Which is exactly what is bringing him down socially. 
This dude Nomad

Something is really wrong with you
Okay I want you to choose a position in Chicago's work force, social work, judicial or law enforcement. Even MAYOR. What are you doing about this situation?

...I'll wait too.
I whole heartedly believe if they had parent figures who cared about them and gave them an *** whooping that they would always remember at the first sign of the path they were heading in... this could've been avoided.

real sad for the girl. piece of **** people man..
QFT. It all starts with parents teaching their children...Society is soft now, EVERY kid needs a damn good disciplinary beating.
Awful stuff happens everywhere, but I figured this was out of Chicago before I even read the article. Pretty sad.

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

I whole heartedly believe if they had parent figures who cared about them and gave them an *** whooping that they would always remember at the first sign of the path they were heading in... this could've been avoided. real sad for the girl. piece of **** people man..
QFT. It all starts with parents teaching their children...Society is soft now, EVERY kid needs a damn good disciplinary beating.
Coincidentally I was making this exact point in a non-related thread that was derailed:

But you new breed of blacks, all you 90's babies and horrible carbon copies of yuppie doppelgangers are a mission ACCOMPLISHED by the government, after systemic poverty, programs like welfare that give the government a line into the GHETTO. Almost like X-Men and mutant registration ...I don't know if most are aware but when law enforcement looks for criminals they check their public assistance records for family trees. They got you in the system for a can of similac and a couple of Food Stamps. Not to mention public housing and welfare don't allow black men to live in the household without a job or source of income. He can't even attend college to better his future. The division calls for desperation that usually means CRIME. CRIME feeds the system of politics, and judicial industry. So no you have controlled chaos. Can't get a job because you have a felony, can't live with your family because you don't have a job and your can't educate yourself
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