3 things you hate about your job....name them

1)work 11pm-7am
2)work weekends
3)main job is to stay awake lol

oh, but that Marriott discount is amazing. Especially around the Holidays
1. my current manager. its her way or no way. barely helps out on our truck days. tells me and other dude who been with the company longer than her how to do things.

2. idiotic customers who dont understand simple logic.

3. my paycheck.

94% sure im handing in my two weeks tomorrow.
1. Customers 

2. Lazy good for nothing manager
3. Customers
Originally Posted by BdeaZy

The title should be What are the 3 Things You're Good At?

This doesn't mean a damn thing unless you have degrees and certificates to back it up

1. Pay

2. Extremely Lazy and dumb co-workers and managers

3. Managers consistently insulting my intelligence, guess what a backslap doesn't pay my bills, neither does a high five, a shoulder rub, flattery or anything that doesn't involve a promotion and a pay raise. Man these people got too accustomed getting over on dumb, insecure teenagers, thinking that #** would fly everyone

Full time Adult College Student ftl 
Help Desk for a Global Company

1. Incompetent, lost puppy co workers.
2. Getting the most amount of accountability than the other IT groups
3. Being on the Lakers, LOL, its me and 4 other guys that do all of the extra work, projects that come to our team, our team is actually a group of 27-30 but only us 5 do the work.
If you're not a professional athlete, some kind of rock star or enjoying what you do; you hate your job. lol
2 more days and I'm pretty much done with mine..started in November at that smfh....

Hopefully my Xmas and New Years still turns out great.
1. My dumb boss, she wants to think of herself as the most professional person ever, bish please!

2. The idiots i get as customers, seriously people filling out a deposit slip isn't science!

3. Some of my co-workers who think they can boss you around but yet hold the same title as you

The freaking amount of gossip that goes on.

I work for wells fargo btw.
1. Parents dont know how to raise their kids
2. Supervisors that dont know WTH they doing
3. Supervising 45-50 youth while doing meeting Govt Mandates is a bit much
1. Incompetent higher ups
2. Incompetent "customers"
3. The feeling that everybody throws work on u/ur dept and u can't say anything about it

But, I'm blessed to have a job, some things you have to deal with
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