
Come on bro, you knew you were buzzed and you went out and drove? You put your life and the lives of others in danger. Hopefully you learn from this and never do it again. Drunk driving isn't cool, and you should have had a plan for a DD, or walk?
My friend's boss was on his motorcycle 2 days ago and is now dead due to a drunk driver merging into him.
so many hypocrites in this thread... roasting OP knowing damn well you have either a) done the same thing or b) allow your friends and family to do the same thing

OP - use this "get out of jail free" card and learn from it, almost all of my friends have got one before... only reason I haven't is because I had a cool mom growing up, she gave me a credit card to hold when going out and told me if I'm ever out at clubs/bars use it to catch a cab home no matter how high the cost is... lesson stuck with me into adulthood (post college)
Rayray that is a cool #@$ mom and a good #@$ idea

Imma have to incorporate that when/if i ever have young ones going out to the bar.

Circa 2025
Op, I hope you mean it when you say you learned your lesson...I ran into trouble back in November...I still to this day believe something was dropped in my drink. I actually pulled over and called a friend to come get me. Unfortunately though, I was sleep when the cops pulled up. I guess they saw me gift wrapped and ran with it.

I agree with RayRay...if NT was the sample for the world, there would be no drunk drivers. oP admitted he made a mistake, thankfully no one was hurt. Some of you need to get off your soapbox. No one is perfect, everyone has done or will do something stupid that will jeopardize themselves and/or others.
real life...

im sure most off yall dudes that drink have driven after drinking...

one time i was drunk that me and my boy got into an arguement while i was on the free way and i slammed on the brakes and told dude lets fight...

boy in the back seat slapped me upside the head and said we taking a taxi home
Originally Posted by MrBrown

I saw a truck swerving like crazy at 3:30am

it was so bad I wanted to call the cops but I just kept on pushing. Im about to exit the freeway and I see a CHP coming out behind me

he missed the drunk driver

OP I wish you would have gotten taxed by the long stick of the law....... drunk driving is not cool
i dont think a truck driver would be drinking lol
he was probably sleepy

ive seen a couple of swerving cars lately though.  it pisses me off.  its like im ready to see a crash or something.
Damnk, son. My dudes drive home all the time after a night out of drinking. What do you guys consider drunk driving, 3+ drinks within a 2-3 hour time frame?
I was definitely still functioning, and probably more alert than under normal circumstances,
but I know that an opportunity like this, to reflect on what I did and realize that I could have
really hurt someone, is very rare and something that could ruin my life as well.

Fact is, I don't need jailing and fines to realize what I did was wrong, no matter how little alcohol was consumed,
I shouldn't have driven home. For whatever reason it just really hit me when I saw the cop car.
Lesson learned.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Yes, I'm sure God wanted you to get away with drunk driving and helped you to do so.


I hope you get a hundred years, if you do it again.
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Yes, I'm sure God wanted you to get away with drunk driving and helped you to do so.

yeah...wth does 'THE GRACE OF GOD' have to do with you being an idiot?
full disclosure, though, i've definitely done it myself in the past. i just don't see how 'GOD' has anything to do with this.
I always lol when posters call people out for saying God.  As if they hate hearing it and wish it was abolished.  Let him live 

Originally Posted by breezylocks

one time i was drunk that me and my boy got into an arguement while i was on the free way and i slammed on the brakes and told dude lets fight...

boy in the back seat slapped me upside the head and said we taking a taxi home 

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

ive seen a couple of swerving cars lately though.  it pisses me off.  its like im ready to see a crash or something.

You wrong for that one
As much as we know and are exposed to "Say No To Drinking And Driving", a lot of us have those serious "I'll never do that again" moments. I had one when I stupidly did the whole drinking and driving thing, I didnt think I had that much to drink and thought I sobered up enough. It was the hardest drive of my life, and I'll never do that again. I never felt so irresponsible.

Oh well, lesson learned.
i'll call when i see an obvious drunk driver... i got no problems with that.

or if you cut me off or are an ouche-ay bag-day in traffic i'll call and say you were throwing beer cans out your window.
A couple years ago, when I was still underage (19 about to turn 20), I was able to get into the club with my roommates ID. Had 2 beers and a shot of bombay saphire. After the club closes, we head out to IHOP to grab some grub. While there, one of my roommates that drives a charger claims that he can beat me home. We race, I get pulled over. Cop asks "do you know how fast you were going", since I was taught to never admit my speed to cops, I said "40". He goes, "try double that". I reply "I was going 80?" and he says "75". Then I go "that's not double". He then says, "are you drunk?". And then in my head I'm like "oh *+$%, you did have some drinks". The thought of getting that minor dui scared the *+$% outta me. So I said, "of course not, I'm not even of legal age to drink". I made up a story about how we were racing home to see how had to do dishes the next morning. Dude heads back to his car and comes back with a ticket for about 4 something. Told me to stop being an idiot.
buzzed driving is drunk driving. you could have killed someone you selfish prick.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

so many hypocrites in this thread... roasting OP knowing damn well you have either a) done the same thing or b) allow your friends and family to do the same thing

yall acting like yall never done some dumb %%+*. . glad you're safe op
One time while in school drove to Denny's with some friends after a night of drinking. I thought I was good because I had stopped drinking long ago but regardless I still had a lot to drink. On my way back from the restaurant, got stopped by a cop at around 4 AM. Scariest moment of my life. Officer pulled up next to me and asked me to turn on my lights and drove off. Took that as a warning, haven't driven drunk since.
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