4/23 Los Angeles Lakers(2) @ Utah Jazz(0) - Game 3 - TNT 10:30est/7:30pst

I give credit to Utah, Lakers put it in neutral after going up 12-15 pts, and Jazz took advantage.

Boozer played out of his mind.
Mez, you're not seriously pulling for the Lakers are you?
OK so Lakers lost by two only, should have lost by 20!

What was with the foul calls on Bynum? And I thought he only had 5??? But he didn't come back in the game!

When was the last time Kobe had 6 FT attempts from going to the line in the act of shooting, because anyone can see how many times he gets fouled in a game. Imean last night he was more aggressive and still how many "in the act" calls did he get? Maybe one... I mean he gets the calls when trying to getposition sometimes, I am begining to think they call those so nobody can say "Kobe doesn't get the calls".

I don't know maybe I am bitter Laker fan of whatever you want to call it. I don't think they should/deserved to win last night but still could have.

Anyway Lebron for MVP!!! Go Cavs!!!
Anybody else think gasol turns into a %*%#! in the playoffs?

He just plays tougher competition. On top of that Boozer plays to Gasol's weakness, a weak base.

That was the reason behind Lakers fans like myself believing that a healthy Bynum makes this a 5 game series. Unfortunately, he isn't all the way back andhe has no rhythm or timing on either side of the floor.

Gasol and Kobe would be better served by teammates (them too) setting better screens, staying active w/o the ball, and fighting for better position. Gasolneeds to set up just outside the lane, catch and shoot. He should take 20 shots or get six assists.

Kobe's gotta move the damn ball. That's how you beat these over aggressive defenders and get them in foul trouble.
Ive been saying this all season. Gasol needs more shots... Too many games he catches a hot streak in the first half goes off then the team doesnt go back tohim. I understand that the lakers are running a triangle and that kobe is the best closer in the game, but gas needs touches. Not even to shoot, but he alsodraws the defense, opens up the floor, and gives kobe room to create. Hes a good passer for a big fella as well
It's not his fault, Pau just isn't a physical big. He's a finesse guy. Too often he just pulls the 'ol matador defense move hoping someone willbe there to help. As far as offense, he needs more touches, but he definitely needs to be more decisive in his decision making, quite a few times this serieshe's waited to long to make a move or try to pass and it results in a turnover.
^^^ That has nothing to do with boxing out though. I mean anyone can get position and box out it a fundamental of the game. If Pau boxed out on three playslast night the Lakers would have won the game.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Horrible game.

The way we came out in the second half, took control, got rid of the crowd, got a big lead, and then pissed down our legs........Damn.

That said, Kobe played the worst game of his life, Boozer played the best of his, Bynum wasn't allowed off the bus or something, Gasol missed a ton of free throws (DWill too though) and yet we lost on a last second shot.


I guess as long as Kobe and Boozer don't have repeat performances like that, we should be fine. Bad loss, but not all that unexpected. Focus, get game 4, series wrap.
You guys are the worst team with a 2-1 series lead.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by CP1708

Horrible game.

The way we came out in the second half, took control, got rid of the crowd, got a big lead, and then pissed down our legs........Damn.

That said, Kobe played the worst game of his life, Boozer played the best of his, Bynum wasn't allowed off the bus or something, Gasol missed a ton of free throws (DWill too though) and yet we lost on a last second shot.


I guess as long as Kobe and Boozer don't have repeat performances like that, we should be fine. Bad loss, but not all that unexpected. Focus, get game 4, series wrap.
You guys are the worst team with a 2-1 series lead.

I thought about putting it, but I'm still sick to my stomach from the game.
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