4/23 Los Angeles Lakers(2) @ Utah Jazz(0) - Game 3 - TNT 10:30est/7:30pst

Originally Posted by solefob

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

some of you laker fans are hilarious..

do yall ever accept a loss?

It's one game and dudes are about to commit that
, chill.

I like how you dudes quote one laker fan and just lump everyone together. I think most people have already said that the Jazz definitely deserved to win tonight.
i wasn't getting at you or the entire fanbase (if it seems that way, that's not what i'm intending), but reading through this thread-some of the posts are hilarious in how perfect they expect the lakers to play
, that's all. nothin more nothin less.

thats fine dude, it just seemed like you guys were just lumping everyone together off of some dude clearly reaching.

From the interview with Kobe:

Kobe: We played pretty good, we got good looks.

The $$#! you played pretty good.
Nah not at all. And what acid said.

And what's wrong with Kobe being calm in a press conference?

IT WAS ONE GAME... what do you want him to do? 1 game at a time.

I want to see him show some fire. Its the playoffs man and you just lost by two. Get angry or show some emotion. Least show that you are going to play with some fire.

yeah cuz the criticism on Kobe has been that he doesn't play with fire and just goes through the motions

Are you kidding me with that statement. That has got to be one of the most ridiculous criticisms of Kobe Bryant that I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot of them.

yes, because im saying that Kobe doesnt play with fire. I said he didnt play with fire tonight and he did just walk through the motions TONIGHT. There werecountless times where dude was just walking up the court and camping on the wing. Maybe it was because he was shooting like crap, but he just seemed like hewasnt going hard most of the night.
Fisher is getting old and you can tell when he's guarding these young PGs.

We need a PG in the draft badly. I want Flynn.
the lakers need to learn to DEFEND the pick and roll
There isn't much to learn. It's about effort and athleticism. Pau doesn't have either and Fish is losing (has lost? never had?) thelatter.

I want to see him show some fire. Its the playoffs man and you just lost by two. Get angry or show some emotion. Least show that you are going to play with some fire.
Exactly. That's why Kobe has that rep' of being a lackadaisical player, not really hard nosed.

Lazy, even.

Tim Duncan like.

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

the lakers need to learn to DEFEND the pick and roll
There isn't much to learn. It's about effort and athleticism. Pau doesn't have either and Fish is losing (has lost? never had?) the latter.

I want to see him show some fire. Its the playoffs man and you just lost by two. Get angry or show some emotion. Least show that you are going to play with some fire.
Exactly. That's why Kobe has that rep' of being a lackadaisical player, not really hard nosed.

Lazy, even.

Tim Duncan like.


see above

Do you guys really think it seemed like Kobe was playing his guts out tonight? I dont.
I know you Lakers fans are probably sick of hearing this but... holy crap is Gasol bad defensively. It's not even a lack of effort like it is with a lot ofguys, he's just flat out terrible. I literally busted out laughing when Booze blew right by him and crammed on him with the left hand. My God. It reallylooked like his feet were glued to the floor.
Originally Posted by JD617

I know you Lakers fans are probably sick of hearing this but... holy crap is Gasol bad defensively. It's not even a lack of effort like it is with a lot of guys, he's just flat out terrible. I literally busted out laughing when Booze blew right by him and crammed on him with the left hand. My God. It really looked like his feet were glued to the floor.

part of it was a little bit of hooking, but I agree. He doesnt seem to move his feet very well, but thats when having Bynum usually helps.
SMH for reals....I don't care it is just one game, I'm losing sleep over this one for sure. #+$@%%% Lakers the fact we expect so much from them, makesthe let downs that much worst
Deron hit a big shot at the end, even though I was hoping for overtime.

Can Fisher keep up with Deron the rest of the series? I unno...
kobe bean bryant
kb taking over
I see you Kob i see you!
[table][tr][td]Starters[/td] [td][/td] [td]Min[/td] [td]FG[/td] [td]3Pt[/td] [td]FT[/td] [td]http://[/td] [td]Off[/td] [td]Reb[/td] [td]Ast[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]Stl[/td] [td]BS[/td] [td]BA[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]Pts [/td] [/tr][tr][td] K. Bryant[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]43:08[/td] [td]5-24[/td] [td]1-4[/td] [td]7-8[/td] [td]-7[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]7[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]18 [/td] [/tr][/table]

Do you guys really think it seemed like Kobe was playing his guts out tonight? I dont.
I don't expect him to. He's over 1,000 games into his career and this is just Game 3 of the first round. On top of that, he's notthat type of frenetic player in the mold of LeBron, Wade, and young MJ.

He used his energy when he thought it was necessary. Unfortunately, he missed a handful of shots that normally fall for him. If those shots fall, would youstill question his energy?

part of it was a little bit of hooking, but I agree. He doesnt seem to move his feet very well, but thats when having Bynum usually helps.
He doesn't seem to have any lateral quickness and the Lakers slow rotations make him, and everyone else, look worse.
Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYA

kobe bean bryant
kb taking over
I see you Kob i see you!
[table][tr][td]Starters[/td] [td][/td] [td]Min[/td] [td]FG[/td] [td]3Pt[/td] [td]FT[/td] [td]http://[/td] [td]Off[/td] [td]Reb[/td] [td]Ast[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]Stl[/td] [td]BS[/td] [td]BA[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]Pts[/td] [/tr][tr][td]K. Bryant[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]43:08[/td] [td]5-24[/td] [td]1-4[/td] [td]7-8[/td] [td]-7[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]7[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]18[/td] [/tr][/table]


Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Kenny and Charles talking BS

out of all 3 times cavs,lakers and Nuggets the lakers are playing the better team. so i have no idea why they bashing them for losing tonight and losing a big lead the other night
it is alright alright. next time the LAKERS win, they will PRAISING the greatness of LAKE SHOW
that's why I don't even watch thatpost game show...so many changes of the minds, makes a bipolar person's mood swings appear to be NOT of the norm.
that was a tough loss to take

the refs straight take our big man out of the game so we end up getting outrebounded by a huge margin

gasol misses 6 damn free throws

Kobe had an off night

and we gave up a 13 point lead

but in the end, Utah barely beat us in their own arena

Lakers will win the next two for sure
Originally Posted by JD617

I know you Lakers fans are probably sick of hearing this but... holy crap is Gasol bad defensively. It's not even a lack of effort like it is with a lot of guys, he's just flat out terrible. I literally busted out laughing when Booze blew right by him and crammed on him with the left hand. My God. It really looked like his feet were glued to the floor.
that is one of the main reasons you team beat us
KG destroyed him in the post and uncontested jumpers

dude has no defensive abilities other than the lucky blocks he gets due to his length
has no desire
and on top of that has no sense when it comes to defense

just a horrible defensive player
Don't trip yal we got this. Let the laker/kobe haters enjoy this one.

Anybody else think gasol turns into a %*%#! in the playoffs? He gets outrebounded and bullied in the paint and that #$#*'s frustrating to watch. Anywayswe're good Laker fans, no worrie.

i'll be at game 5 Monday for the clincher
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by JD617

I know you Lakers fans are probably sick of hearing this but... holy crap is Gasol bad defensively. It's not even a lack of effort like it is with a lot of guys, he's just flat out terrible. I literally busted out laughing when Booze blew right by him and crammed on him with the left hand. My God. It really looked like his feet were glued to the floor.
that is one of the main reasons you team beat us
KG destroyed him in the post and uncontested jumpers

dude has no defensive abilities other than the lucky blocks he gets due to his length
has no desire
and on top of that has no sense when it comes to defense

just a horrible defensive player


but overall what he brings offensively is a huge benefit
and we got the guy for kwa-may brown for christ sake
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