So I'm watching this 2 hour preview special with lil man and they was asking what was your favorite wrestlemania moment.

Since I've been an Undertaker fan since I was a kid growing up mine was easily Wrestlemania 13 when he beat Sid to win his first Championship since 1991.

What was yours?
HBK vs Undertaker part 1

being there live is something ill never forget
So I'm watching this 2 hour preview special with lil man and they was asking what was your favorite wrestlemania moment.

Since I've been an Undertaker fan since I was a kid growing up mine was easily Wrestlemania 13 when he beat Sid to win his first Championship since 1991.

What was yours?

I mentioned this before, but it's the final chapter of Rock vs Austin at WM X-9. It wasn't the best match of their WM feuds, but it holds a lot of sentiment to me as basically a end of that era. The top two stars of Attitude, 2 of my favorite wrestlers, and it was a great build leading up to it.
So I'm watching this 2 hour preview special with lil man and they was asking what was your favorite wrestlemania moment.

Since I've been an Undertaker fan since I was a kid growing up mine was easily Wrestlemania 13 when he beat Sid to win his first Championship since 1991.

What was yours?
Wrestlemania 10, i remember borrowing my friend's VHS of it and watching it 20+ times.  When Bret Hart beat Yokozuna and the superstars come out to carry him on their shoulders. 

Razor Ramon - HBK ladder match right before too
Me and my boy heading the bar to watch mania here in Cleveland, I'm get pretty turned up and ratchet, if Austin somehow comes out.
I'll go with HBK/Hart Iron Man Match, I was so invested in HBK finally making that push for the Gold.
There really should be something else on the line in this Andre The Giant Battle Royal... a trophy? Who cares? It better be something like the King of The Ring winner in the sense that the winner is being prepared for a push.
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