Good call putting the divas match on after the end of the streak. Let them catch the fans fury If the main even t went on orton would have been pissed it happened to him twice at mania
Guys, if it was a botch, why did they have the 21-1 graphic up?

Streak is over folks.
That doesn't mean anything

Few seconds in whatever program they use to do the graphics for WM

I'm inclined to believe that Taker was too tired or decided to not kick out . . . the way the music didn't hit right after the match and the over the top Heyman reaction

Something wasn't right

Or maybe WWE just worked me that good

Non wrestling fans probably wondering why the hell this thread is so live right now . . . lol **** crazy bruh
If you end the streak why not have had a proper build or even his victims at the entrance to wish him a proper good bye. So I guess he announces retirement tomorrow.
it takes 2 seconds to change the graphic

not sure if srs

lmfao right?

****** think that **** takes months of graphical engineering. lol.
My ******* stupid *** little brother in law called me and said the streak was over before it happened :stoneface: ******* fat ***
If Taker called it to go home he would've just gone into the Tombstone. The shock, silence and waiting was all planned. They knew how the crowd would react
Man, they stay setting Divas up for failure.. Putting this match on after the biggest shocker in wrestling..
I had a feeling this was going to happen for takers last match...

Dude is knocking 50. He's done
F daniel bryan. And F the WWE i come back to seeing wwe and this S happens, F the wwe network im unsubscribing as i type
a lot of reports are saying he said to Brock to reverse into an F5 and go home.

His Hip probably went out on him. He just said end it.
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