Ima try to get excited for this match, but that **** just threw the kid off.

A Tombstone pizza && 22 Pizza Rolls...wasted. Futile. All for naught.
My problem isn't him losing. It's losing to a part-time guy who doesn't need the win. Always thought a young, up and comer should've been the one to end the streak.

I dunno, if HBK couldn't beat him in those 2 amazing matches they had then i wouldn't want to see him lose to a younger guy who isn't as good as him.
I've been in shock for the past 30 minutes.

Taker must have come to the conclusion this week he could never wrestle another match (probably after the F5 from Brock on Raw).  Even still, I would have had Taker retire undefeated.  I do not see what good Brock beating Taker does.  Brock has been beat by Cena and HHH.  I'm just mind boggled.

If any one of Taker's past opponents should have beat him, it should have been Punk.  I am sad that a guy like Reigns or Wyatt didn't get the chance at ending the streak to really turn them into megastars.

Like I said, I'm just in shock.

The crowd is dead for this main event.  There is going to be a serious cloud over Daniel Bryan's title win.
He's awesome
He's good but him beating the streak? I rather UT had lost to 3 F5's than the Superman punch lol
The more DB the better in this match. C'mon fellas get it right and listen to the crowd
crowd must be emotionally deflated with that Taker loss, but if D. Bry wins that should send them hope somewhat happy.
4w summed it up perfectly. My coworker worked for WWE during the Attitude Era and we talked about the possibility of them dropping the ball at some point and boy did they ever. Should've went out undefeated if he was going to lose to Lesnar.
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