not really a fan of D. Bryan, but I'm glad someone else won the title for a change...hopefully this makes for some better matches down the line
I'm glad I bought the network at the last minute to see this live. D Bry deserved it. After I was able to get on, the stream was flawless on my phone.
I'm not even sure where to rank this Mania right now. Its certainly up there in terms of moments and **** but workrate was lacking a ltitle, especially in the Taker/Brock match.
My stream kept doing that replay crap and seemed to have a minute and change delay from most other people posting...

that was crazy

has anyone had a celebration like this before? :lol:
Even though he's not part of the full time roster I'm not mad at Brock breaking the streak. I think it just adds to his character.

Yall really wanted to see a Taker vs Sting match in 2014?
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It terms of who really deserved to end the streak I think it should have been Shawn the 2nd time or CM Punk taking that spot
But all this talk about putting new talent over so they turn into superstars is not a sure shot certainty. Everyone knows at this point that Taker is just there for his mania matches and he's going to retire soon. A new talent winning wouldn't mean much now beating current Taker (recent taker). Its a big win but to be over you need to beat super cena at Mania. I prefer Taker being undefeated but I can appreciate the shock value. No one saw it coming. That was the point.
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