I'm not buying that :lol:

Taker looked so damn old and was getting crushed all match.

he had no business winning that match the way it went.
:lol: He got the article from Huzlers. Never read that site until now, but clearly looking at that page shows it's fake.
Even though he's not part of the full time roster I'm not mad at Brock breaking the streak. I think it just adds to his character.

Yall really wanted to see a Taker vs Sting match in 2014?

If they faced each other, at this point, Sting would have to carry that match....:\

Though i rather Taker would have kept the Streak alive, and even though I am in shock about Brock winning, I'm not really feeling bad about him winning. I felt like either HBK or either HHH match would've been the perfect send-off in all cases, and Punk as well, but if you were to go with one of the newer or underpushed guys heading into this Mania, who would ya'll have legit believed would break the Streak, or benefit with a loss,wasn't already involved in a major program, and the match still have an epic feel? Sheamus? Uuugh, hell no. Barrett? nope, semi comedy act. Ziggler? he just started winning 3 weeks ago. Miz? He's The Miz :lol: The match wasn't very good, but seems like Brock was a pretty logical choice. Hell, give him some more money to work more dates :lol:
I don't completely believe that myself, tbh.

I suppose we'll really know during the course of the week.
It was definitely Taker calling an audible at the last moment. Taker has ALWAYS been a team player. Just peep Cornette's comments about him at WM14. ALWAYS been the most selfless guy in the locker room.
which ones? :nerd:

might have to watch

last one i legit watched was WM 14 as i was a big fan those days. stopped watching wrestling around 2000/01

You just missed 17 which was the best POV in history (in many peoples opinion). Start with that!

And don't compare Taker v Lesner (regardless if an audible was called) to SS 97. Nothing compares to the disrespect shown that day
Welp, looks like some of yall were actually right:

NEW ORLEANS - The Undertaker has just lost his 21-year Wrestlemania streak to former UFC fighter Brock Lesnar. It has been revealed that Brock Lesnar was not in fact supposed to win the match and was scripted for the Undertaker to win the match and extend his Wrestlemania streak to 22 wins.

Im pretty sure most people know that WWE is actually staged and simply for entertainment. All matches are scripted and practiced weeks prior to the actual match, and the winner is, of course, picked before the match is aired, by WWE officials. However, this match was not meant for Brock Lesnar to win.

Similar to the Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart match back in 1997 Survivor Series pay-per-view known as the Montreal screwjob. Shawn Michaels had Bret Hart in a sharpshooter move when Vince McMahon told the officials to ring the bell, causing Michaels to win the match and ultimately screwing Hart over. All hell broke loose between Bret Hart and WWE owner Vince McMahon, which led to Hart leaving WWE for good.

Owner of WWE, Vince McMahon, was privately interviewed by reporters right after Lesnar beat Undertaker and said Undertaker was supposed to win the match and how Lesnar will be fired for changing the script.

and unless this is directly from WWE.com then i dont believe it
Yall should cop those EAT SLEEP BREAK THE STREAK TEES before they sell out 

Collector items 
I don't get it, if you're hurt and just want to end the match, why not hit your finish and end undefeated? He didn't have to leave with that loss.
I don't get it, if you're hurt and just want to end the match, why not hit your finish and end undefeated? He didn't have to leave with that loss.

very true, but that would've been terrible. Taker getting killed all match then does a finisher and wins :lol:
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