If my man came through with this theme, doesnt say one word, and points at Taker with a bat...

I'd mark out lulz
Will this thread go back to normal after tonight or are we in for a few more weeks of this? 
Catching up on all I've missed is a *****.

Great turnout though.
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Is there even any history between undertaker and sting besides both wrestling in wcw?

Did taker job to brock with the promise of squashing sting the face of wcw to give vince a chubby?

A warrior sting match makes more sense although warrior is god awful these days.

That same week sting can be inducted into the newly created wcw branch of the hall of fame located in a random bathroom
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TLC:Hardys, Dudleys, E&C
Angle vs Benoit
Shane v Vince

Edge spear off the ladder, Shane coast to coast, "My Way" by Limp Bizkit promos, JR, the Astrodome crowd, Austin turning was about as shocking as Taker losing last night at the time. It had everything.

Even that Hardcore championship match with Raven, Kane & I think the Big Show was crazy. Raven getting thrown thru a wall was :wow:
I miss those hardcore matches especially when they fought backstage
whats with this sting love fest?

If this would of been 10 years ago I would been excited for sting but now I don't care to see him. He's a few years away from 60 :lol:

exactly :lol: i loved sting back in the day but unless im lost i dont understand where this is all coming from. what significance does he hold on the WWE and the need to come back and fight someone especially taker?
My take of this all is this can set up a phenom vs icon match instead of streak vs match. Giving more credit to taker and not the streak.
exactly :lol: i loved sting back in the day but unless im lost i dont understand where this is all coming from. what significance does he hold on the WWE and the need to come back and fight someone especially taker?
Just nostalgia as someone said and the mystic that both characters have (had)
exactly :lol: i loved sting back in the day but unless im lost i dont understand where this is all coming from. what significance does he hold on the WWE and the need to come back and fight someone especially taker?

They probably did market research and the most popular wrestler out if the bunch not in wwe was probably sting.

Might be hard for alot of you wwe marks to understand but at one time sting ws on top of the wrestling world and he does have a big fanbase that vanished

Really dont see how wwe signing him hurts the product so why not? I mean wwe is the same company that gave the world title to hogan when he was 50 beating a 34 year old hhh
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