[COLOR=#red]The Miz main evented and won a Wrestlemania... like... that happened...

no matter what he does... that legit happened... Way more shocking than Taker losing, HHH losing clean, Ezekial being still employed, or Cena going over.

Someone thought that was a really good idea.

Random thought I have from time to time.

But Miz legit main evented and won a WM. It happened... I deno. [/COLOR]
Reminder that Connor Michalek, a 7-year old with brain cancer who loves DB was in attendance to see his hero win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. DB has been in touch with him since 2012 and it looks like the relationship continues.

That superhero Dbry, man.

View media item 903818

Is he the one D-Bry and Kane did a Make-A-Wish with a while back? Kid did the Yes Lock flawlessly. :lol: :smokin

edit: I think it is him.
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it's impossible not to like D Bry as a person let alone his WWE character




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[COLOR=#red]Warrior is trash... The guy talked nonsense at HOF, his promos sucked, he couldn't wrestle, and he treated everyone like sh-t. F-ck him and whatever he plans on doing tonight.

He had 1..... ONE good thing, and that was his entrance. I'll take Arn Anderson's entrance but his ring and promo work 10 times out of 10. [/COLOR]

A day later and I'm still reeling from what happened. Very memorable show and IMO will gain even more appreciation in the future when feelings from Taker's match aren't as strong.

The Streak:
Completely shocked. Speechless for pretty much the rest of the night. I didn't like it when it happened and still don't like it now. I don't think think I ever will.

Do I have an issue with a part-timer beating him? No, because Taker was the part-timer of all part-timers
and I never really fussed about that stuff anyway because I know how tough the WWE schedule is.

Do I have an issue with a seasoned vet getting the rub vs. a young up-and-comer? Definitely not, since I've always maintained that putting a young guy over for the streak is riskier than everyone gave it credit for. Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt look like they're next, but there is no guarantee in this business. There never is. We've seen guys look like sure-things and then eventually flame out or get ****** by other circumstances (bad booking, lengthy injury, etc). If it WAS gonna happen no matter what, I'd rather it be someone who is more-or-less established and Brock fits that label.

Do I have an issue with Brock Lesnar being the guy? Not really. Maybe a few of you remember me saying last year that Brock was the GOAT monster heel (look at him now
). There is nothing more "believable" than having Bane Lesnar crush Undertaker so I'm fine with that.

My issue is I never wanted it to end. It was too big for one person to get that acclaim. And I always believed that Taker should get the honor of being allowed go out undefeated. It's looking like this is it for him and he made the call to put Brock over. If so, I can't be mad at that. Not the way I would've had it, but I respect him enough to not ***** over it too much.
Rest of card:
Pre-show joint was really good. The Austin/Hogan/Rock segment was ******g PERFECT. Goosebumps for sure. Had no clue Rock would show up until his music hit. Then we get what as of right now is my FAVORITE WM entrance ever. Omega H in his final form g. I was
the entire time; it fit his character like nothing else. Omega vs. Bryan ends up being the MOTN like PLVN originally thought it would. The psychology in their match was great. Shield gets a quick squash match to dispose of the old geezers, which I understood. Two things had me speechless last night: end of the streak and Kofi's spot in the battle royal. Seriously, my mind was BLOWN. Was not expecting that after all the air he got from being thrown out. Cena vs. Bray match had excellent storytelling and psychology, even better than the MOTN (HHH vs. Bryan). Bray stole the show, man. Best character in the WWE right now and is someone who just "gets it". I was pulling for ol' boy yet wasn't 'eem mad when he lost. He got over enough during the match so the L didn't bury him. John's reaction post-match says it all and, even in defeat, helps make Bray look good.

As of right now, the show could not have gone any better. No complaints if they stop it at this point.

Lesnar vs. Undertaker. In terms of work rate, it's the worst on the card for the matches that matter. Very slow and it was painful to see Taker plod out there. Lesnar was also not in peak shape like he was during the Punk match. Blown up mid-way and Taker wasn't looking right for most of it either. Sad to see him done after giving us 5 consecutive MOTY type work. The match itself and outcome caused the show to take a nose dive for me.

I was watching about 30-45 minutes behind the entire night so I just skipped the entire Divas ****. Didn't bother to see who won. Skipped right past the last match's entrances & introductions too. Wasn't in the mood for any of it.

The one thing I'll give Taker vs. Lesnar credit for is that suddenly I had serious doubts about an obvious outcome of D. Bry walking out as Champ. Anything conventional or rational was completely thrown out the window so I couldn't get a sense of what was gonna happen. Work rate for the triple threat seemed good and it had a few cool spots, but again, I was so out of my element after Taker's loss that I couldn't process the match like I wanted to. Couldn't enjoy D.Bry's W much either. I was just glad they made the right move and didn't ruin ALL the good vibes from earlier in the night.

Immediate reaction: WM XXX gets 8.5/10. Better than last year for sure. Will re-watch in a few weeks/months with a clear, liquor-free mind.
the most electric force in sports entertainment brock lesnar put a whoopin' on that old jobber take last night
If this is the quality of posts we got in here last night...I'm glad I chose to avoid.
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