I just watched the end of the '90 RR and Hulk was definitely always shady, it wasn't only in the '92 RR :lol:. Warrior helped save him from elimination and then when Warrior needed his help he eliminated Warrior while Rude and Barbarian had him on the ropes :lol:
Looks like Jarretts promotion teased signing the pope, carlito, jay lethal, NJPW tag team Killer Elite Squad (Lance Hoyt & David Hart Smith), and Mickie James. Hopefully Jarrett gets some good talent and lights some fire under vince. If Jarrett can get some good creative writing. He will do fine

Rhodes Brothers
Real Americans (when they were together)
Rybaxel (lulz only)

No way the tag team isnt the best thing going on in the WWE wrestling wise. mid card is complete and utter garbage. main event sucked until WM. 

I think it's on the back burner. Real Americans are split like u said. Shield aren't even contending for and tag titles. Wyatt's are involved in another feud. Rhodes brothers fell off after losing to the outlaws. One u didn't list the prime time players were an entertaining team that has now split. We barely see either men even competing in singles competition. All we've really seen are the usos, matadores, 3mb?, and rybaxel. So IMO I think the tag team division has fallen off quick just months ago trips was saying how much he was gonna focus on the tag team division.
maybe the ascension will make some noise tho
maybe the ascension will make some noise tho
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My thoughts exactly :lol: but at least it's another team in general.

I'm listening to the LAW podcast after not listening to it for awhile, and it's funny listening to the one immediately after WM concerning the Taker/Brock match, with them not knowing yet that Taker suffered a concussion. I also think they were wrong about the crowd during the Cena/Bray match, as I thought the crowd was great and fully into it.

And a tournament would do wonders for the midcard titles, especially if they use brackets instead of just saying here's a tournament and here's the match.
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I have no problem with him having active storylines and being a huuuuuuuuuuge D Bag, he fits the role perfectly. I just don't want him stealing attention and shine from young guys who deserve it

well unfortunately both will happen
that's how triple heche rolls
Looks like Jarretts promotion teased signing the pope, carlito, jay lethal, NJPW tag team Killer Elite Squad (Lance Hoyt & David Hart Smith), and Mickie James. Hopefully Jarrett gets some good talent and lights some fire under vince. If Jarrett can get some good creative writing. He will do fine

I had read that they had scouted over a 1000 wrestlers world wide which has me kind of interested. The fact that JJ will probably be the inaugural champ doesn't.
Really don't want Cesaro to get the IC title. He had the US title for a while. They didn't use him correctly there.

The mid card titles are dead to me. They hold no connection to the actual, prestigious titles except that they share the same name. Otherwise, the IC and US titles in the last couple years are completely different
Been awhile since I watched wrestling religiously, can anybody tell me why HHH is in charge and not Shane? I would think you'd want to pass your legacy on to your son as opposed to your son-in-law.
Shane left the WWE and became the CEO of You on Demand ticker YOD. He resigned in 2013, however, and I'm not sure what he's currently up to.
Brotus has gotten the short end of the stick. He was Del Rios apprentice. Then they took Jim off air. Created some menacing vignettes announcing he was coming to Raw to annihilate the roster. Then he came out as a the Funkasaurus. Then Xavier came and took his theme/dancing gimmick and dancers.

Now he's looking marginalized next to Aaron Neville who has the personality of card board.
it's crazy how back in the day you had seasoned veteran's like patterson, muraco, morales, valentine, santana, savage, steamboat as the intercontinental champion

totally agree that title used be a big deal
would like to see it get more promotion with vets going for it too along with the green - at least a little
a creep like batista that is coming back for example...would be a great intercontinental champion (tho would vets let ego aside?)

have all the green future stars put in dues
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